it comes out march 20 and fuck am i ready. i loved rocky balboa. probably the best in the series. i would wager to say i think it surpassed the first one... and i'd be willing to be as bold as to say it was my favorite film of '06... that or, "lady in the water." a toss up.
sixty two dollars and fifty three cents later, and i've caught myself up on all the comics i'd been backlogged on picking up.
american virgin, walking dead, justice league of america, seven, the dark tower book 1, and ghost rider... and speaking of ghost rider...
it wasn't a bad movie despite how bad it will be panned by comic fags the world round... it's campy and cheesy sure, but it was good. visually it was stellar.
being sick as i am, i rented movies.
i got, "the u.s. vs john lennon," "farce of the penguins," "the departed," and, "school for scoundrels." so far, i've watched one, and let's just say, i wish i had been born in the 60's so i could've experienced john lennon the right way.
my head is throbbing, and i still can't breath, and i keep hacking up this yellowish green shit... tomorrow will be the two month to the date anniversary that i quit smoking, and it seems i cough, hack, and get sick more now that i quit... what up with that yo?
oh yeah, be sure to check out the new, FULL trailer for, "grindhouse." my most must see of '07. more than spidy 3... i want to fuck rose macgowan so bad...
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