ADDENDUM: as of 1:05 p.m. today, january 2, 2008, i beat, "halo 3," on heroic. the ending was a let down for me. my bungie profile is online now as well so you can view my halo service record if you're bored. brokencopy at bungie.
to my amazement two days ago, i woke up with a soreness in my right ear, once again, for the first time in two months.
then, yesterday, it got worst, and let's just say, i'm glad i kept the ear drops i got from the last time, because once again, i have swimmer's ear, and for the life of me, i don't know why. all i know, is that it feels like someone is piercing my eardrums with nails. it hurts that bad.
this morning was a nice surprise to find that, unbeknown to me, the low for the day was to be twenty nine degrees with a high of fifty six. followed in the week to weather back in the hot area. i hate florida.
when i spoke to my mother yesterday, i basically told her that in november, i plan on coming up for a week, and while i'm there, i'm going to look in green bay for work and a cheap apartment. i will be moving back up north in 2009. that's my goal.
i'm tired of paying the ridiculous cost that it be to live here, and really, aside from my roommates, there's nothing here for me. i don't really talk to anyone anymore, and i'm just not happy.
green bay is a big city, that i more or less grew up around and loved, and it has a massive amount of comicbook stores, and great comedy clubs, so, it's only logical i move back home. i can say this with absolute certainty, once i move up, i will never come back here again.
i finally played through the trouble spots i had in, "halo 3," and made it to the end of the cortana mission. now that's left is to finish that last bit, and then chapter nine, and i will have beaten the game. it's a lot harder on heroic than i thought.
finally watched the final season, three, of, "arrested development." it was hysterical as usual, but i'm still sour on how it ended as a hole.
"alien vs. predator: requiem," was better than the first, but not all that great. you really can't make a versus movie with aliens or predators when you think about it, because no one will really win, because they're both two races of aliens that thrive throughout the galaxy.
and finally... why does it take my dog twenty minutes to sniff out a place to shit? i'll never understand how a dog has a standard for shitting on a golden ticket spot.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
nor hell hath fury.
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