with jon and lee...
i like the concept of a live call-in talkshow podcast, via lanlines and computers... tomorrow, the episode should be up for download. listen to me briefly in the beginning, and the end, with refrences to my text chat shenanigans sprinkled inbetween... not the focus of the show by any means, but fun none the less. i miss jon living here in spite of his lazy lifestyle... dammit... i miss him.
"grindhouse," the movie i've been waiting for, for some time now, comes out tomorrow. now, i'm tempted to go tomorrow, and then again on saturday with mikey.
true, i normally hate seeing a movie in the theater twice, but i have a feeling, "grindhouse," will be just too good not to want to see twice...
last night's south park and lost...
first, south park... this season of south park is bar none the funniest to come around since season eight. the whole concept of spoofing the da vinci code, with krull... priceless...
LOST... i'm starting to hate the show like most of the people i've been hearing on the radio... the past two episodes, including last nights, left a sour taste in my mouth...
i'm tired of seeing glimpses of the black clouds here and there and finding out nothing about them... and where's the fucking dinosaurs...? i want a t-rex on that island...
anywhoo... i'm gonna get a diet coke, and play some F.E.A.R. on 360... good friday... i got it off. WOOT!
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