last night, i went, alone, and saw...
if you liked, "anchorman," and, "talledega nights,"... it's a safe bet you'll like this. i laughed out loud in a theater full of older people, at some of the best, and raunchiest, will ferrell humor. seriously, the movie is funny as hell.
one of many good lines:
"no... i don't remember that, prince charming... i was high on qualudes..."
today was a pretty eventful day. i finally got around to re-starting, "the sopranos: road to respect," on ps2 yesterday, hadn't played it since november of last year, and beat it this morning around ten.
it leaves a sour taste in my mouth as far as endings go... you, big pussy's illegitimate son, joey la rocca, end up getting made and the game ends... however, the story takes place before season six, and in reality, in season six, there is no joey la rocca ever mentioned... WTF?
got a little... juicy, in honor of getting old. i have good friends.
had some sonny's with bob and heather, laughed until we got headaches, and bob's mom made me a banana split pie, her specialty, for my birthday.
i rented two of those, "8 films to die for horrorfest features," and, "the pursuit of happyness."
and... bryan and bridget bought extra Wii's and are selling me one, and allowing me to pay them when i get the money... so... tomorrorw, I WILL OWN A WII!!!! WOOT TO THE FUCKIN' HOOT!
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