so, rather than promise updates coming soon, i'll say this... i'll write blogs when i feel like it.
last night, i felt emotionally and physically strained. upon mike's urging, i talked to vince, and explained everything to him. how i was feeling, and why i had hesitations about talking to him.
the one thing i love about vince, is his understanding and goodwill attitude.
he's allowing me to work one day a week, and be on call in case of an emergency, rather than work nonstop and kill myself health wise.
i tried to do it, and thought i could make it work, and four years ago, i could have, but now... not so much.
my life is pretty dull right now. work, comics, sleep, repeat.
i got this really sweet, 36 by something sized poster of michael turner's roster of the justice league of america. that made me happy, as well as the 14 disc, ultimate superman set i got.
a new album you all need to get when released, because it's so good...
the reason why season six of smallville is fucking amazing...
one more episode left of the sopranos... this past sunday's... wow... a whole lot of good men... dead... just wow.
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