i was, like many others, incredibly unhappy with how david chase chose to complete a show i invested not only my time in, but myself as well.
now that some time has passed, i can see the logic behind his decisions, but still upset with the basic, "fuck you," he knowingly left us with.
i have been dealing with some insufferable back pains for two days now, that i'm treating with massive handfuls of motrin.
took puddin' to the vet yesterday, and she's doing really good which makes me very happy, and she got to hang out with all kinds of other cool dogs that made her go apeshit... like, "HEY DOUG! THERE'S ANOTHER DOG! HEY DOUG!? DO YOU SEE? HUH, DOUG, DO YOU SEE THAT OTHER DOG!? HEY DOG! HEY, YEAH YOU!... FUCK YOU! LET ME SNIFF YOUR ASS!"
went and saw, "fantastic four: rise of the silver surfer."
honestly, i wanted to say from the first fifteen minutes that this film was gonna be bad, but it was pretty amazing. the surfer was pretty awesome with laurence fishburne as his voice.
overall, aside from the glamoring of the team itself, the story was pretty strong. i didn't, however, care for how tim story did galactus.
after that, i went home and watched the special edition of, "fletch," ate a salami cibata sandwhich with red wine vinager, mayo, and mozzarella i made, took a nap, read my new comics, and then, went out and saw, "ratatouille," with mikey and colby. it was funny, like i expected it would be, and then got a pizza from stevie tomatos and hung out with my dog.
a game that currently holds my undivided attention which should be given a chance, should you have a ps2...
i killed the cd player in my carthree days ago, more reason to get an ipod with a wireless fm tuner, and thus used the tape player to listen to an album i had long forgotten was amazing...
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