so last night, i watched the first episode of, "the two coreys." A&E's version of a reality show, in which corey haim goes to live with corey feldman and his wife... never has two stars fallen so hard... the show is so obviously scripted as most reality tv is, and is just plain bad. i read a review of the show before hand where entertainment weekly wrote, "a direct to dvd sequel of, "license to drive," would have been better than this show..." it's so true.
the new e.p., enchanted hill, by, "the album leaf," is incredibly beautiful and soothing...
despite not enjoying the film, and hating krispi creme donuts, i must say, the new, "springfield sprinkalicious," donut, made to promote the simpsons movie at 7-11's nationwide... well, is just really damn delicious. so much so, that i bought an entire box of them.
and on a side note, i just want to say, in regards to the rash of local scene kids here in ft. myers who seem to have jumped on this whole, "hardcore," music bandwagon... i just have to come out and say, hardcore, or punk, or whatever you call it these days, is about as gay as you can get without actually putting a cock in your mouth and slurping jizz... i fucking hate hardcore and i hate the local hardcore bands in florida even more.
...aside from spiderpig/harry plogger bit, the death of green day that included mike dirnt's classic line, "guys... it's been an honor rocking with you," and homer flipping off the town as he slowly sunk in the sinkhole, the movie, like i predicted, was a failure to me.
i stopped liking simpsons after season three. it just lost it's charm. i've tried watching newer episodes to give it a more fair shot, and it's just not funny to me.
"zodiac," was a pretty good flick. i like how fincher covered the killings from the beginning in '68 right up until '91. people said it was this and the length that didn't cream up for them, but i say, the story, for me, was solid enough to keep me motivated from scene to scene. so much in fact, that i think i want to own the movie.
"hot fuzz," comes out tuesday. looking forward to that.
sad and lonely thinking of that damn english girl that just lives in my mind on a lukewarm, april 14th evening, off a moonlit beach, falling further into the power of her all encompassing beauty...
my incoherent laziness has kept me from making an update. i've been sick. i can use that as an excuse, right?
yesterday, my mother turned 49. i called her and wished her a happy birthday. the schmuck of a son i am, can't afford to get her what a gift until this coming tuesday on payday. i feel bad for not having it there on her day.
i've watched a lot of movies this past week and half. i still have, "zodiac," and "the number 23," waiting to be watched, but, i'll get to those another time...
i'll give brief caps on the films i did see, and move on. not all will have the fun, accompanying pictures i normally would put with them.
SURF'S UP i only saw this out of sheer boredom, and was actually very ammused with it. it's not a bad way to kill 80 minutes, and brian posehn as the wiseass brother was pretty good.
this is easily the funniest sandler flick i've seen since, "the wedding singer." it really is. i was gasping for breathe on several parts, and it's not just one character that hysterical, it's all of them in their own right. the movie is well written with just the right sight gags at just the right moment, and it's pro-gay, so you know my pudgy butt's on board.
i know a lot of people that truly disliked, "28 days later." the number one complaint being, "it's not a zombie flick like i expected."
what's funny to me is i never got that from any trailer shown for the film. it looked like a disease outbreak film. nothing more.
all the same, i liked, "28 days later," but not enough to own it.
now... "28 weeks later," well... that's another story, which i won't go into, but instead leave you with this. visually, it's remarkable. story, so fucking good beyond recognition. the acting, spectacular. the right people cast. and the soundtrack, brilliant.
i'm almost half tempted to own the first one just so i can own this one comfortably.
i bought the two disc, 20th anniversary dvd. it's just as fun, and cheesy as i remember it. one of the best, "goonie," type of films, to come from my childhood is finally given the remastered rewards on dvd. go buy it! it rules!
and the two dvd's i'm looking forward to getting...
obviously... and...
i'm so pumped to re-watch season three, but more than that, the deleted scenes and the half hour gag reel, which was the best feature on season two.
i love, "the office," so very much. both versions, but the US version has this relateable quality that falls on deaf ears for me with the BBC version.
i saw the first three episodes of, "weeds," season three. they're brilliant with a nice use of music from, "the thermals."
i saw the un-aired pilot for, "terminator: the sarah conner chronicles." it's a fifty minute long episode and i got eight minutes into it before i stopped it. it's so bad. so very bad. it picks up two years after T2, and... it's just bad.
at midnight, just a few hours ago, raving mad women, and some men, went apeshit in getting the final harry potter book.
now, i'm no aficiando on potter. i buy the books when they become cheap paperbacks, and i watch the movies but i'm not madly obsessed over them.
do i think they're good reads or viewings? absolutely. if you like fantasy along the lines of labyrinth and dark crystal, then why not this? it's a fantasy story.
do i think religious groups and strict parents like my cousin who think it promotes witchcraft go a little to far with the protesting? yep... the way i see it, if you teach your kid right from wrong, and are there for them, to explain the difference between what is real and what is not, then it'll be okay... at least the kids are learning to read and not out doing drugs or robbing blue haired old rags.
i'm not worried if i read spoilers from the book on the net. i already know dumbledore died at the hand of snape in the last book, and i have yet to read it.
i downloaded the dvd screener last night for...
wow. how did i not see this film in the theater? i mean it. seriously. what an amazing film.
there's not question in my mind that i will buy the dvd next month when it comes out. it's that good.
story wise, it picks up a few years after the first live action film that jim henson's company helped make. it's just as gritty, and intense, and funny, and everything i remembered loving about the ninja turtles as a kid.
every time i hear they're updating something from my childhood, a little part of me groans angrily, and i vow never to get involved with the projects, and i was prepared not to with this, but something in me told me to just download it and watch it, and man i'm glad i did.
the scene where leo is standing next to the jet on the plane with that moody, metal riffing background music... i swear, fucking hairs on my neck stood up with that old giddy feeling of being a kid... just like when my dad and i hopped on his motorbike and he took me to our old two-plex to see the first live action film...
they leave it open for a sequel and honestly, if kevin munroe writes and directs the next one like he did with this... i'm fucking down. especially since they referenced shredder possibly making a return from the grave...
you know who i miss these days...?
gone too soon...
okay, well, i also downloaded the last two episodes of ghost hunters, as well as the dvd screener for, "disturbia," which i did see in the theater and love... so... i gotta go watch those...
tonight the kids in the hall reunite for two nights at the montreal, "just for laughs," comedy fest. i would gladly sell my nuts to go to that show.
i've been listening to this instrumental group, "this will destroy you," lately... fantastic music to take painkillers to.
i go back to the neurologist today. tell him the steroids didn't work too well. i was to go into work and leave early, but this morning i woke up to myself violently coughing, and before i knew it, i was vomiting blood and bile... so, i called off. i'm a bit unsettled by the whole affair...
i actually hate being home right now because i'm incredibly bored. i'm surrounded by movies, games, and books, but none of them due me what i need...
as a treat for you all, i found one of my favorite bits from KITH... dave foley doing what he does best...
when i pre-ordered the new patton oswalt album, a little part of me was sad, because since the record store closed last year, i was unable to obtain promo stuff from subpop, which, as fate would have had it, posters for the promotion of, "werewolves and lollipops."
now, anyone who knows me, knows how much of a homo i am for framing posters of comedians i adore, and when i saw a guy selling promo flats for said album on ebay for twenty bucks... i almost caved. i did.
but... being the sensible man that i am, i simply called subpop's offices out west, told them my situation, the dire fan, i pre-ordered the album through them and was happy with it, i worked at a record store that closed, blah blah blah... you know what they said?... "what's your address?"
today, i got a package from subpop... this is what was in it...
yep... posters, stickers, and buttons. BAM! who rules nerdcore!? me baby... me...
for instance, this weekend, meant i got paid. my raise went through and it's a nice little chunk of change more, and i finally began to make a dent in the debt's i owe. a little more to go and i'll be caught up.
got groceries, including real bagels, and not those lenders pieces of shit, with cream cheese, got my comics, and all that's left is a new shower curtain, and a haircut.
shanna checked out, "superman returns," on xbox 360 for me, and i gotta say, despite having a bad demo i played a while back, the game itself, is really rather good. like, i've been playing it all morning kinda good.
also on xbox live, they're offering the first austin powers film for free as a download, so i'm gonna go back a few years and see that film again... i think the last time i watched it was when it first came into theaters, so maybe it'll rekindle some laughs.
the new potter film was all shades of fucking excellent. i know a lot of people who want to trash on the harry potter franchise, and believe me, when they first got big, i was there with you trashing along, but then... i read the book and watched the movie, and they're both pretty damn good as far as a story goes.
the new film was gloriously dark, and took the place of my favorite film in the series, knocking out, "goblet of fire," for first place. david yates did a great job at the helm of this tale, and so did this little sexpot...
still... i wanted neville to just flat out gut the bitch, but, whatever.
two other things i need to mention. two things that i desperatley wanted to hate but somehow don't.
if you take away michael bay, and the whole concept that what you're watching what is "supposed," to be a movie based on the transformers, it's not a bad action film.
if you a hardcore fan, i can see you hating it, but fanbase aside, it's a visual splendor.
i was never a big fan of transformers growing up so i had no desire to see the flick, but found it had gotten pirated online, and checked it out and to my astonishment, was overall impressed, although incredibly irritated with the hokeyness of the acting and quips. but, what can you do. i still hate michael bay.
the second...
i wanted so much to hate this album based on the past two solo efforts of corgan alone, "zwan," and his solo effort, "the future embrace," and the fact that he was calling this new incarnation of him and chamberlin, "the smashing pumpkins," when he's missing two other core members.
i went into listening this album with the idea i was gonna detest and loathe it. and honestly, that's not the case. not by a long shot.
it's not, "gish," "siamese dream," "melon collie and the infinite sadness," "pisces acariot," or, "adore," which i personally love all very dearly, but it stands it's ground as a good rock album.
it seems half personally written, and half politically driven. who knows... but it is worth an honest listen... i never thought i'd say that about another billy corgan record... proven wrong once again.
have i said how much i really love the real bagels you get at a bagel store? possibly the best thing next to sliced bread... toast it up, slather on some cream cheese and i'm in fatty heaven...
i want to get another job. i want to do something more meaningful.
i was thinking about how i've bit my tongue on my thoughts towards a select group of people i know, all of this is past tense mind you, and how today it was going to be my intention to basically air all my laundry, all my opinions, and just vent about these people that i loathe with every fiber of my being... but then i thought some more... what good would it do? it wouldn't matter. they're fucking losers and assholes, and rightful cunts in their own respect, and i'm better in the long run for not having them in my life, so fuck it. and fuck them.
i thought about how truly content i am, being single, and how in the past i've told myself over and over after one relationship would end, "don't get into another one. you're not good at them, and you eventually get the longing to be alone, so don't get into one..."
i think about that and how i think this time around, from here on out, i think i can finally make peace with that thought, and enforce it.
when i was younger, sex was a big thing for me, but honestly, as much as i use it as a platform for discussion and strictly humor based purposes... i'm okay with not having sex for a long time. if ever. and i really mean that. i might get an urge on day, but i can deal. i don't even have the urge to jack off. go figure.
this week is payweek on friday. bills, check. groceries, check. comicbooks, check. gas, check.
this weekend, go see two movies, yes, the new harry potter, and, "captivity." take a vicodin and read comicbooks.
i've been playing the, "family guy," game on my playstation 2 since i beat, "bully." it's very repetitive, but i've found lately that no matter how a game is generally, i find that i'm forcing myself to play through them.
two new albums you should get and listen to endlessly...
arcade fire : neon bible and, sage francis : human the death dance.
these fucking mosquitoes can go away as well.
as a bonus to everything, here's a video of comedian bill burr, in what has been described by patton oswalt as the comedian's dream of giving it back to hecklers and booers, going off on a crowd in philly during his opie and anthony tour... it's amazingly funny to me when he says, "go and worship your fucking statue of rocky... a fucking fictional movie character... yeah, joe frazier's from here, but you can't deal with the fact he's black, so you worship a fictional italian movie character... fuck you all!"
today, saturday the 7th of july, '07, subpop gave me a treat three days early. they sent me this...
yep. patton oswalt's new album.
i had already gotten an advance copy and fell in love with it immediately, but people i support heavily such as patton, i buy their work. and this one, aside from being a great stand-up set, also included a dvd with the 40 watt show i attended last october in athens, georgia. sadly they edited some of the stuff out that i would have enjoyed seeing again, specifically, where he does an impersonation of how much dane cook is a douche bag. but... they did keep in the guy getting peed on by another guy in the audience which i had forgotten about until i watched the dvd... that was one of the best shows i've ever been to... i love athens.
i've been reading a lot lately. amazon and ebay have been my friends as far as getting the reading material i've been consumed by. more than anything, a good collective of garth ennis' work.
when you're a comicbook fan like myself, you tend to find those creators out there, beit artists or writers, that you attach yourself to, and stick with religiously. for me, it's always been:
-sam kieth. [i have a separate box devoted strictly to his work.] -brad meltzer. -stephen seagle. and the topic of conversation... garth ennis.
i've more or less been on a goal kick for a long time, trying to maintain everything he's ever done, which has proved a challenge, but one i'm taking in baby steps.
if you haven't read, "preacher," you need to stop reading this and go out and collect the 9 book tpb series.
i have many trades lying on my bookshelf. some i've read many times, some i haven't read at all... the following is one of those books... it sat for many years collecting dust with me not knowing who wrote it, or who drew it... i bought it for a buck on a bargain bin shelf based on the characters, title, and cover alone...
recently, since i've been on an ennis kick, i've been researching his bibliography only to find out, that the above book, was one from his catalog.
needless to say, i dusted it off and read it within ten minutes. it's a short written story, and i'm amazed i let myself go this long without reading the fucking thing.
it centers around a group of people who've been disfigured or affected by the intervening of superheroes surrounding their world over the years, and they end up hiring frank castle to basically, over the course of six years, kill every hero in the marvel universe. it's a really good read if you can track it down.
on top of reading lately, i've been consumed by a rather incredible stand-up album...
david cross, next to patton oswalt, is a genius.
i've had this album, along with his other sub pop release, "shut up, you fucking baby," for many moons, and only recently, began to re-listen to them both.
you really should do yourself a favor if you hate republicans, organized religion, and raw comedy, and pick this and his other album up.
i'm starting to sound like an infomercial more and more everyday.
the final topic of discussion for today, is a video i wanted all of you to watch in it's entirety.
back in the 90's, same time as, "kids in the hall," was on, another show popped up in the vein of KITH... it was called, "the vacant lot."
the show features four members in the troupe who at one point in time where background players on KITH. in fact, mark mckinney's younger brother, nick, is a main member of vacant lot.
now i had enjoyed this show just as much as i had KITH, however, most people didn't get it, and it eventually failed after a few episodes, which i have never been able to track down... that is until the wonders of youtube.
i have posted for you, one of the funniest sketches from the show, and one of the funniest sketches i've ever seen... period. it made me gasp for breath last night as i rekindled myself with the show, and my roommates can back that up...
so... i present to you with pride and joy, the vacant lot's, "blinded by the light."
as you can see, i've spent the past three hours blanded on vicodin, listening to smashing pumpkins', "siamese dreams," and re-vamping the entire site.
some of the new blogger features i downloaded were tricky to figure out, but in the end, through patience and diet coke, i got it done...
later today, possibly tomorrow at the latest, i will have a bigger update of things, including an album you must listen to, as well as my thoughts on the amazing writing talents of garth ennis. stay tuned.
fourth of july. the day we celebrate our independence. the day we stole the country from the native american, and the country we so desperately try to keep keep safe from illegal immigrants.
a day we gorge ourselves in hotdogs and burgers, and other fattening foods to prove we are the nation of gluttons.
a day were we celebrate our independence by lighting off fireworks manufactured in china.
i was gonna give you all a treat today and post the video of bruce mcculloch reading his hysterically funny bit on america from the canadian perspective, but i couldn't find the video, so instead, i uploaded the bit from his first album, and posted it below. give it a few seconds to load and you can either stream it, or download it. it's one of the funniest, and intelligant bits i've ever heard.