for instance, this weekend, meant i got paid. my raise went through and it's a nice little chunk of change more, and i finally began to make a dent in the debt's i owe. a little more to go and i'll be caught up.
got groceries, including real bagels, and not those lenders pieces of shit, with cream cheese, got my comics, and all that's left is a new shower curtain, and a haircut.
shanna checked out, "superman returns," on xbox 360 for me, and i gotta say, despite having a bad demo i played a while back, the game itself, is really rather good. like, i've been playing it all morning kinda good.
also on xbox live, they're offering the first austin powers film for free as a download, so i'm gonna go back a few years and see that film again... i think the last time i watched it was when it first came into theaters, so maybe it'll rekindle some laughs.
the new potter film was all shades of fucking excellent. i know a lot of people who want to trash on the harry potter franchise, and believe me, when they first got big, i was there with you trashing along, but then... i read the book and watched the movie, and they're both pretty damn good as far as a story goes.
the new film was gloriously dark, and took the place of my favorite film in the series, knocking out, "goblet of fire," for first place. david yates did a great job at the helm of this tale, and so did this little sexpot...
still... i wanted neville to just flat out gut the bitch, but, whatever.
two other things i need to mention. two things that i desperatley wanted to hate but somehow don't.
if you take away michael bay, and the whole concept that what you're watching what is "supposed," to be a movie based on the transformers, it's not a bad action film.
if you a hardcore fan, i can see you hating it, but fanbase aside, it's a visual splendor.
i was never a big fan of transformers growing up so i had no desire to see the flick, but found it had gotten pirated online, and checked it out and to my astonishment, was overall impressed, although incredibly irritated with the hokeyness of the acting and quips. but, what can you do. i still hate michael bay.
the second...
i wanted so much to hate this album based on the past two solo efforts of corgan alone, "zwan," and his solo effort, "the future embrace," and the fact that he was calling this new incarnation of him and chamberlin, "the smashing pumpkins," when he's missing two other core members.
i went into listening this album with the idea i was gonna detest and loathe it. and honestly, that's not the case. not by a long shot.
it's not, "gish," "siamese dream," "melon collie and the infinite sadness," "pisces acariot," or, "adore," which i personally love all very dearly, but it stands it's ground as a good rock album.
it seems half personally written, and half politically driven. who knows... but it is worth an honest listen... i never thought i'd say that about another billy corgan record... proven wrong once again.
have i said how much i really love the real bagels you get at a bagel store? possibly the best thing next to sliced bread... toast it up, slather on some cream cheese and i'm in fatty heaven...
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