yesterday, my mother turned 49. i called her and wished her a happy birthday. the schmuck of a son i am, can't afford to get her what a gift until this coming tuesday on payday. i feel bad for not having it there on her day.
i've watched a lot of movies this past week and half. i still have, "zodiac," and "the number 23," waiting to be watched, but, i'll get to those another time...
i'll give brief caps on the films i did see, and move on. not all will have the fun, accompanying pictures i normally would put with them.
i only saw this out of sheer boredom, and was actually very ammused with it. it's not a bad way to kill 80 minutes, and brian posehn as the wiseass brother was pretty good.
this is easily the funniest sandler flick i've seen since, "the wedding singer." it really is. i was gasping for breathe on several parts, and it's not just one character that hysterical, it's all of them in their own right. the movie is well written with just the right sight gags at just the right moment, and it's pro-gay, so you know my pudgy butt's on board.
i know a lot of people that truly disliked, "28 days later." the number one complaint being, "it's not a zombie flick like i expected."
what's funny to me is i never got that from any trailer shown for the film. it looked like a disease outbreak film. nothing more.
all the same, i liked, "28 days later," but not enough to own it.
now... "28 weeks later," well... that's another story, which i won't go into, but instead leave you with this. visually, it's remarkable. story, so fucking good beyond recognition. the acting, spectacular. the right people cast. and the soundtrack, brilliant.
i'm almost half tempted to own the first one just so i can own this one comfortably.
i bought the two disc, 20th anniversary dvd. it's just as fun, and cheesy as i remember it. one of the best, "goonie," type of films, to come from my childhood is finally given the remastered rewards on dvd. go buy it! it rules!
and the two dvd's i'm looking forward to getting...
obviously... and...
i'm so pumped to re-watch season three, but more than that, the deleted scenes and the half hour gag reel, which was the best feature on season two.
i love, "the office," so very much. both versions, but the US version has this relateable quality that falls on deaf ears for me with the BBC version.
i saw the first three episodes of, "weeds," season three. they're brilliant with a nice use of music from, "the thermals."
i saw the un-aired pilot for, "terminator: the sarah conner chronicles." it's a fifty minute long episode and i got eight minutes into it before i stopped it. it's so bad. so very bad. it picks up two years after T2, and... it's just bad.
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