the new e.p., enchanted hill, by, "the album leaf," is incredibly beautiful and soothing...
despite not enjoying the film, and hating krispi creme donuts, i must say, the new, "springfield sprinkalicious," donut, made to promote the simpsons movie at 7-11's nationwide... well, is just really damn delicious. so much so, that i bought an entire box of them.
and on a side note, i just want to say, in regards to the rash of local scene kids here in ft. myers who seem to have jumped on this whole, "hardcore," music bandwagon... i just have to come out and say, hardcore, or punk, or whatever you call it these days, is about as gay as you can get without actually putting a cock in your mouth and slurping jizz... i fucking hate hardcore and i hate the local hardcore bands in florida even more.
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