took took four and a half days to beat. great game. i got the happy ending. time to replay to get the other two endings and attempt to unlock the shit i didn't get before.
got an amazingly great copy of, "superbad," which if i haven't stated, is easily the funniest film i've seen in a long while. i don't think there was a moment i didn't laugh. it was written so perfectly, and it just meshed and blended with my entire sense of humor, and it had the heart at the end that it needed to propel itself from being just another R rated comedy.
i think it's a safe assumption to make in saying that the one movie i've been looking forward to seeing for the past year is finally coming to fruition this friday. rob zombie's, "halloween."
in gearing up for the event, i download the soundtrack which isn't nearly as good as his, "devil's rejects," soundtrack, but good none the less. i'm not big on adding dialogue from the film to a soundtrack cd, but, to each his own. i just feel it adds a false pretense to the film's outline.
i also bought, "halloween," the original carpenter classic on dvd, as well as the two disc documentary, "halloween: 25 years of terror." they both came with a free ticket to see the new zombie flick.
i'm so engulfed in zombie's vision, i've been downloading supposed, "drafts," of the script, which are all obviously different, though unique, in attempt to get a better understanding of what he wants to achieve in the film.
i like the idea that he wants to give michael an identity. a backstory. why he is the way he is, why he wears, "the mask," and so on and so forth, whereas john carpenter's vision was more meant to be more simple in that, you put a man in a mask who doesn't speak, just moves, and kills. a force, as carpenter called it, of just mass destruction with no reason behind it. meaning it's more terrifying to not know anything about a man who seems to kill with no intent or emotion. and he was right... in 1978.
i'm just stoked to see another zombie film. i like the guy as a filmmaker. he's good at it. sue me.
and now... re-watch, "the office," season two... only another week to get through for season three's release. spank yo momma...
oh yeah, one more thing. a treat for you's all... can you guess which young mullet wearer in this fred savage classic, "the wizard," went onto play everyone's favorite webslinger?
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