my right testicle is still sore. not as bad mind you as the day i entered the e.r., but it's, and i know this sounds funny, but the only word i can find, is, tender. it really feels like some alien hybrid is in my body... i half excpect gillian anderson and david duchovny to waltz in and tell me i'm proof of the alien testicular conspiracy... speaking of, word from both of them is a script is written, and x-files 2 starts filming in november... supposedly a veer from the alien conspiracy, this is gonna be a straight-forward horror flick. nice.
since i've been doped up and whatnot, i began listening to more music, and playing old games.
resident evil 4. gamecube.
i've beat the game four times straight through, and to this day in lingers in the top 5 greatest games i've ever played. however, i have not been playing the story mode, but rather, working my way through, "the mercanaries."
i've unlocked all characters on a four star rating with the exception of one...
every time i go to complete the fourth map that will unlock him, this douchebag always get's me with a head lop-off...
the chainsaw granado is the hardest fucker in the game for me. he moves so fast it's unreal.
minus the bear, one of my favorite bands, put this album out this year...
i recommend not only getting it, but seeking out the four track e.p. bonus album that came with certain prints. it's just as good as their first LP, "highly refined pirates," way better than their last LP, "menos el oso," and as good as the remix album released for, "menos el oso."
minus the bear is just an amazing melodic rock/indie band.
i'm waiting on two downloads. "smokin' aces," and, "lollilove." i look forward to watching those movies.
also, black, seedless grapes from sweetbay are amazingly delicious, and, i had forgotten how much i loved cauliflower. i'm on this fruit and veggie kick. the testy thing kinda scared me into eating healthier...
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