is unfuckinbelievablyfuckinridiculously AMAZING!
there have been a handful of 360 games that have come out that have really held my attention, to the point of not really sleeping during my regular sleep hours during the work week, just so i could play said game/games.
BIOSHOCK is definetly one of the many.
let's put a head on the list of 360 titles to really get me going:
-condemned: criminal origins.
-peter jackson's king kong [the first game based on a film that was better than the film.]
-gears of war.
-the darkness.
i'm sure there are others, but i've been up since three in the morning with it being six eighteen now, and i'm heading into an eight and a half hour work day that will directly be followed by a shower, cold bottle of beer, and the next however many hours i pump into playing this game.
i'll go into more specifics at a later date.
also, there may be a dust and snow bi-weekly comic coming, written by myself, and illustrated by my friend chris, ala wrathofconn.
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