Sunday, November 25, 2007

there is no, "i," in, "fuck you."

the past four days have been a slow, depressive few.

the first day of my thanksgiving break, wednesday, seemed promising, and then on thanksgiving day itself, it was very fulfilling, eating a great meal at j.j.'s house, following that meal up with beer and cornhole, a new american backyard sport. not sodomy.

and then... i just fell into a slump. i left my room yesterday a total of seven times? and for the bathroom and water fill-ups only.

there's a part of me that's bored, and the other part is just sad and afraid. i have no money. only what's aside for the mortgage, and i think a big part of the depression i feel, stems from how i actually would like to go out and see people, and have drinks and dinner, but... can't afford to. i'm disgusted with myself.

and while i hate, "death proof," whole heartedly, i do love zoe bell...

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other forms of fun.

why not buy one of the many items i need, and give it to me for being awesome?...

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i'm live too... what's your gaming skills like?