Wednesday, February 21, 2007


i hate doing blogs without visual representation, but the truth of the matter is, i'm too exhausted from work that i just don't have the will to search for pics to upload and accompany this blog... so, deal with the stale piece tonight...

i rented, "the prestige." the new film from christopher nolan. it was okay. but bear in mind, i hated his first effort, "memento," immensley, the first time i saw it. it took two more viewings to get the grasp of the film, so... maybe that'll happen with, "the prestige."

i had never learned how to, "brown," hamburger meat, so when i got a craving for sloppy joes, and later, homemade tacos, i had to try... and success. i made some serious good sloppy joes for dinner tonight. two pounds worth. i had three sandwhiches worth, so i got about 1.80 pounds left? a lot...

i heard three new nine inch nail tracks in all total from the upcoming, "year zero," concept album. two out of the three ain't bad, as meatloaf would say. it's different. i still think my favorite nin effort is a toss up between, "broken," and, "the fragile."

i started playing, "splinter cell: pandora tomorrow," recently. back in 2004 when i bought the game, i played it exclusively on xbox live, spy versus merc only. and now...?

... well, now, i really want to play, "double agent," on 360, so my goal is to whiz through pandora, then go onto, "chaos theory," which i bought and never opened, and then onto, "double agent."

i played some of "essentials," on the psp, and while i love the game itself, and it's part of the continuity in the series, i just have no patience to sit through a psp control scheme game. so... no go.

i got caught up on all my comicbook reading except, "the walking dead." since i have all issues to date, and have been out of the reading loop, i decided, fuck it, start from the first issue all over again and work my way up.

"american virgin," continues to be my leading favorite vertigo title next to, "y the last man."

daniel way's, "ghost rider," started off solid in the first two issues and then just became utter garbage with plotline holes through the next five issues. pure disappointment.

stephen king's, "dark tower," mini-series under the marvel flag, is so good...

i'm not a big peter david fan, but fuck, i really enjoy the beginnings of roland deschain and the way it's worded. and visually, it's a knockout...

okay... that's it... later.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

wanna hear somethin'???

guess who just got season 2 of the office used for twenty bucks??? me muthafucka...

i think since i'm kinda feeling better, i'm gonna treat myself to some hogbody's raspberry wings, wash it down with diet coke, laugh my balls off, and read some more comics...

brad meltzer's justice league of america is fucking outstanding... the whole red tornado/solomon grundy/amazo arc is so fucking good...

i also downloaded an advance dvd rip of, "stranger than fiction." it's not bad.

Friday, February 16, 2007

kong subs just ain't what they used to be...

it comes out march 20 and fuck am i ready. i loved rocky balboa. probably the best in the series. i would wager to say i think it surpassed the first one... and i'd be willing to be as bold as to say it was my favorite film of '06... that or, "lady in the water." a toss up.

sixty two dollars and fifty three cents later, and i've caught myself up on all the comics i'd been backlogged on picking up.

american virgin, walking dead, justice league of america, seven, the dark tower book 1, and ghost rider... and speaking of ghost rider...

it wasn't a bad movie despite how bad it will be panned by comic fags the world round... it's campy and cheesy sure, but it was good. visually it was stellar.

being sick as i am, i rented movies.

i got, "the u.s. vs john lennon," "farce of the penguins," "the departed," and, "school for scoundrels." so far, i've watched one, and let's just say, i wish i had been born in the 60's so i could've experienced john lennon the right way.

my head is throbbing, and i still can't breath, and i keep hacking up this yellowish green shit... tomorrow will be the two month to the date anniversary that i quit smoking, and it seems i cough, hack, and get sick more now that i quit... what up with that yo?

oh yeah, be sure to check out the new, FULL trailer for, "grindhouse." my most must see of '07. more than spidy 3... i want to fuck rose macgowan so bad...

Thursday, February 15, 2007

"oh please... reconcile me..."

there's something truly profound when you get so sick, that not only do you end up not working for a whole week, on top of being dehydrated every five minutes, and then having to shove bullet sized solids up your ass to get better, but to fall into a slump of comatose depression... let's begin where i laughed...

i watched the entire first season of the american version of, "the office."

i had seen an episode with juliann a while back at her place, and it caught me off guard, and since then i had been wanting to see more, but more than that, i wanted to really see the british version, which i have yet to obtain.

anyhoo, i ended up buying the first season of the american version, used, for twelve bucks, and it's really funny. like, infectiously funny. in really subtle ways.

i'm not big on steve carrell's take on mike, but the rest of the cast is stellar. i love the oddity that is dwight like everyone else does, for all the same reasons i'm sure...

so, after that two and a half hours, i decided, why not throw in, "rocky 2."

twenty minutes into it, i had remembered that it was more of a love story between rocky and adrian... and i thought about julie. so... i went to just read random comicbook news on the internet...

and then...

i put on, "album of the year," by the good life... i am now sad and sick... i miss her. and there's not much else i can say.

i'll go about my days with the same integrity i do now. cry when i need to cry, feel good when i need to feel good, and continue to just keep growing up. even closing in at twenty seven...

you're the best i ever had. my grey sky morning. goodnight.

new nine inch nails??? interesting.

so, to show how out of the loop i am these days, i just learned that trent has plans to release a new album, in two parts, one this april, the second in '08, and from what i gather, it's a concept album.

the first single due out next month on airwaves. i, however, have found a leaked copy of a track off the album, called, "my violent heart."

i'm not exactly sure what to make of it. it's different to be certain. i think i need to hear the remainder of the album a few times to get a feel for it. but, hopefully it'll be a bit better than, "with teeth." that album left me with an odd taste. a very few tracks from the album i can honestly admit to enjoying. i'm glad the dude got sober, but i don't know if that necessarily means you become a better artist. i still really enjoyed, "the fragile," despite harsh criticism from fans... i think his biggest strength is his musical arrangments and piano work.

only time will tell though...

for more info, google. and for a tracklist of the first part, see below.

year zero.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

BUTT what about the flu?

i felt well enough to go into work this morning... still kinda shitty, but well enough...

i get to work, a half hour in, blah... i vomit. and they send me home and tell me to go see my doctor.

luckily my doctor was able to see me.

i sat in the freezing cold room waiting for him, thinking about how i had season one of the american version of, "the office," and the, "rocky," anthology set waiting for me to watch them both at home... and then... he came in. looked me over... verdict... flu. perscription...

-rectal suppositories.

now.., antibiotics i can do. i've done them... i'm the fucking king of taking them... rectal suppositories... yeah.

see, aside from the anal discomfort, everytime i massage one up my ass, i somehow think i should be reading dialogue in the form of christopher walken...

"i hid this uncomfortable hunk of metal up my ass for two years. then, after seven years, i was sent home to my family. and now, little man, i give the watch to you..."

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

smells like pornography... and phlegm from my cold...

before i begin with the dvd info i'm jazzed about, let me go on record as saying that i'm tired of these self-proclaimed, "nerds," going on record of how they hate, "heroes," and that it would never work as a comic, and a hacky version of, "lost..." look... if you don't like the show, fine, don't watch it endlessly and then bitch about it on the internet, have me read your bullshit, and expect not to get emotionally irritated... when it comes down to it, jack bauer could kick all your joss whedon loving, indi-fuck scene kid asses...


this is coming out in may in a bundled edition with, "porky's 2: the next day," and, for the first time ever on dvd, the third film in the trilogy, "porky's revenge."

part of me is glad i never bought the generic ones on dvd and held out with the hope that a special edition would come out. i know, i know... how pathetic is a guy when he holds out for an ultimate "porky's" dvd?..

you have to understand something though. my father introduced that film series to me at an early age, around the same time i experienced cheech and chong, and forever my life would be changed...

not just because i had seen tits... hell, i saw plenty of tits in, "revenge of the nerds."

no, porky's was my first example of real ballsy comedy, and original sight gags.

apparently, "spiderman 2.1," is coming out april 4 with eight minutes of never before seen footage added back into the film... i won't buy it, but i'll rent it out of morbid curiosity... i loved both spiderman flicks, aside from the twat that played mary jane, but i'm tired of raimi putting out all this point 1, or point 0 infinity editions... pick a format, and leave it alone.

also coming out is a, "knocked up," edition of, "the 40 year old virgin."

okay, now this one, i'll buy. because there wasn't a sentence in the fucking film, let alone performance from seth rogan or that old indian guy, that didn't have shit tweaking out of my butthole...

Monday, February 12, 2007

norm macdonald still amuses...

these two videos are of norm macdonald back during the first bush presidential race, where he went on the view and got barbara walters pissed off... good stuff on a sick day...

and part 2...

still not there.

knowing in the back of my cluster fucked mind, that a fictional group like the justice league of america exists, is the only solace i need when the terrorist threat level is raised...

and you know what? it's funny... i used to be so dead set against dc comics, and as of the past six years, even though bendis and co. have made marvel a considerable wonder, i still find more love in my heart for dc and vertigo...

i called off from work today. i feel worst than i did yesterday. my head is pounding and congested. my sinus' all clogged up. my chest is on fire, and my body is stiff... i'd rather have a fist full of fingers up my butt than feel this way...

Sunday, February 11, 2007

fixing the sick.

i've never been too intuitive as to how to get completely rid of a cold in a matter of a day or two, but i think, for this sunday, the chest cold that is boggin me down... i have three secret weapons i've begun an attack on...

maruchan's roast chicken flavor cup of instant lunch noodles, vicks vapo rub, and season four of jack bauer beating the sperm, shit, and snot out of terrorists... god bless america.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

ships ahoy... i gotta fucking sickness...

it's true. so very true... i feel ill... very ill... i'm still not sure if it's just a chest cold or what, but my throat is raw, and i'm coughing like i've been up all night smoking cigarettes, and it'll be two months since i had a cigarette this coming 17th... so, i don't know what the fuck i got...


this cartoon hit me from out of nowhere...

as of late, i've been downloading a lot of my tv viewing, and assy mcgee was one of those things i had wanted to see from the previews i saw last year when jon glaser was attached to it.

so... when i saw the entire first season run available for download, i nabbed them all up, and laughed myself to the sperm bank...

the premise is so odd it's scathing and lethal with it's irreverant humor. assy mcgee, a walking talking ass with legs who just happens to be a renegade cop like dirty harry... along with his partner, overweight mexican, sanchez...

the disturbing adventures and crimes these two set out to solve keep you occupied if for nothing else, to find out what fucked up thing they'll do next... a must see...

the remainder of my day today, will consist of trying to shake this cold, listening to claudio sanchez' solo work, "the prize fighter inferno," as well as watching the 30th anniversary edition of, "JAWS," that i just got... maybe squeeze in some, "close encounters of the third kind," for good measure...

-douglas, out.

Friday, February 09, 2007

"are we gonna let the elevator bring us down?"

at six in the morning, just shy of twenty minutes before i venture off for the last day of the work week, i sit, grim eyed staring into a monitor, with my sony headset pumping prince's superbowl performance through my cranium... such an amazing performance... i could listen to prince over and over until the end of time... if it didn't cost $400 a ticket to see him in hollywood, or rather, if i had four hundred bones to toss around, i would be there begging for the man to sweat his genius onto my fatass... such is life...

also, for those hardcore fans, i found an NPR radio interview with patton oswalt from '04... it's about a half hour in length and is very informative as far as his upbringing and his parents... really good stuff... and the image to above isn't a real album cover... it's something i made with adobe out of sheer admiration for the man...

NPR interview found here.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

new beginnings and butt exits.

over the past few days, i've grown tired of updating random bullshit bulletins through myspace, and have made the conscience decision to utilize and transform, "dust & snow," to my personal web blog.

from this day forth, all of my random posts and observations shall be made through this site. myspace is now used for looking at risque pics of females friends i want to smell in inappropriate manners... whaddayagonnado?

and seeing as how i haven't updated this blog since '06... i think it's time we play catch-up...

ECTO-1 for sale

apparently it's true... if you have the cash, you can buy the original ghostbuster's, ECTO-1... i've discussed this with my friend jon lewis... i could take out two big bank loans, he could front the rest of the money through a sexual harrasment claim, and we could cruise 41 in the ECTO-1... what chick wouldn't drop her panties to get fucked in the back of the ECTO-1?... more info on purchasing the vehicle here.


very possible that this may be the most inventive, and delicious snack candy my tummy has ever experienced... what a shame the next few lines will be blank because of this long picture... but, in my defense... try the candy and tell me it wasn't worth it...


tobe hooper had a classic horror film with the first, "poltergeist."... it was perfect... from beginning to end... so why, did the studio feel the necessity to make a follow-up to explain a poor background story of a jonestown type priest leading his people to death and then coming for little carol anne's light???

the film features incredibly bad editing cuts, and what's more interesting to me, is the fact that they have no back story as to what happened to the freelings older daughter from the first film, and that craig t. nelson has a mullet cut going for the first twenty minutes, and then, a cut to later, his hair is neat a very short??? the fuck?

foreign people who see a film like this must think americans have their heads up their asses?... hmmm...

other forms of fun.

why not buy one of the many items i need, and give it to me for being awesome?...

My Wish List

i'm live too... what's your gaming skills like?