i made my yearly update to livejournal. so what?
i'm very happy with myself in a way. since i've been on vacation, i've read two books, and began a third.
the best gift i got this christmas, "twin peaks definitive gold box edition," and it's so awesome.
it has both the american and european pilot episodes, the saturday night live bits, and this great lynch retrospective in a los angeles bar with some of the old cast, among many other features not on the other two dvd releases.
not much else to report on. i did want to break my copy of, "halo 3," in half.
i played through chapter seven right up until i had to face off with the citadel, when the game gliched, and i had to begin all over. twenty some minutes gone. and i'm playing it on heroic no less. fucking game...
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
leather wings.
i've been on vacation since a week ago today, which would've been friday, the 21st of december in the year of our lord, and only now, right now, am i enjoying myself somewhat...
"this will destroy you," a band i love dearly, has a new album coming out in '08, and they've been giving away copies of it at their shows, and i managed to nab one, and it's so breath-taking, it brings salt to the eyes.
i was pretty apprehensive about watching the bbc version of, "the office," even though i had heard it was funnier than the one i love very much here in the states, but having tracked through the first six episodes of the first season, i can honestly say, i do enjoy the bbc version a hell of a lot more than ours...
what's fascinating to me is the dialect used in england. shit, cock, and other words we consider vulgar here, and used freely there. there version of vulgarity is words like wanker, or piss. piss to them is like what fuck is to us. i'm intrigued by that in so many ways.
now, here's the part where it was hard at first for me to swallow the show as a whole.
the first episode, is as literal a translation as you can get, almost word for word, to what the first episode of the us version is. but, the us version took it from them, but seeing as how i saw the us version first, it makes it all the more odd for me.
everything that we have on ours, is there in different wording and fashion. the characters are similar, for instance, their jim and pam, is dawn and tim, and i honestly adore dawn and tim more. because the characters are so endearing and sweet, and painstakingly honest with one another.
what i like about this version more than anything, is it lasted for two seasons and a two part christmas special, and then it ended. they finalized the story, and ended it, where as, as it often is in the U.S., milked as much as possible until the strike happened. i think that's why i disliked season four so much. because it probably could have ended at three with that sweet moment where jim and pam finally hook up, roll credits.
another thing i find interesting with the bbc version, is david brent and gareth keenan, the british version of michael scott and dwight schrute, have a sweet, childlike friendship.
they're both sort of buffoons, but they get each other, where as michael scott is constantly insulting dwight and looking down on him.
i'm not saying our version doesn't work, because i fell in love with it long before i eve saw the bbc version, i'm just saying, it pales in comparison and doesn't hold a candle to the bbc version. ricky gervais is a true genius.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
the christmas posting.
merry christmas.
i've been on vacation since friday afternoon, and already i'm bored out of my skull. i want to go back to work. how sick is that?
i would be writing more, but i don't have much to say. my time is vested in the dvd's i got for gifts, and the serious amount of time i'm putting into, "halo 3."
so, until the swing of the new year rolls in, i leave you with a sage francis video...
Sunday, December 16, 2007
the last man on earth.
i guess in it's own way, it's been an eventful week, work wise and whatnot.
friday night, as soon as we got ready to venture into our cars, it began to rain heaven down on earth. it's was wet, and i had to get to f.y.e.... soaked to the bone.
i got in and out, with the new potter flick in toe, along with the two disc of, "silence of the lambs," for five dollars, new no less. i have a thing about passing up dirt cheap movies that are essential to one's collection.
being it was friday, it was payday, and all that ever means anymore really, is paid today, broke today. i had to pay off the lee memorial bill, and luckily i got rent from bob, because with that bill and the power bill, i was broke again. living paycheck to paycheck is no way for anyone to live, yet, it's all i seem to do.
the rent, which normally would go into savings to try and build a savings up, went to groceries.
and some fun.
bob and i went to see, "i am legend," yesterday, and while i enjoyed the film, i don't feel the urge to get into it too much. some of the cgi could have been better, and the ending was a bit lame, but overall, not a bad film. i'm sure, "alvin and the chipmunks," is worse.
bob and i went to eat at, "lion's choice," and it was my first time, and, oh man, talk about delicious roast beef.
afterwards, we went shopping for christmas stuff. i mainly went to get my mom some stuff, and that was that.
came home, took a nap, did some laundry, and beat, "call of duty 4: modern warfare," which is easily the best game i've played on 360 since, "bioshock."
graphics, controls, story... the only flaw the game has is it took me like four to five hours to beat. not very long, but really fucking good.
"In your last hour stand
You’ll notice the one that you had loved in dreams is here among the others
Chase it’s you I want but if I can’t have her
Then why should I spend any more time in a world that’s going to end pretty soon?
I need you now more than I ever did
I’ll hand myself over for you
This comlinks lost its frequency and I feel that we’re coming home short
Here take me instead I’d rather not see her off alone..."
-coheed and cambria.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
there are few instances where i want to own a music dvd. very few...
that being said, after seeing the trailer for this, and following the music of, "sigur ros," for the past few years, i can safely say that if my family sends me money for christmas, i will drop it on this dvd...
it's part documentary, along with various shows of the icelandic band, playing in the most remote, outdoor areas around iceland, and it just looks breathtaking, visually, and musically, i can guarantee, it will deliver. watch the trailer for yourselves.
i almost never try to get anyone into music. very few occasions i have attempted, buct, "sigur ros," is one of those bands i just wish people would take the time to listen to. they don't have one bad album.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
i miss eminem.
i do miss marshal mathers making music.
i don't know why i'm blogging minutes before i go out the door to work, but i thought i'd share a few things real quick.
my new favorite sandwich, is two pieces of hot toast, with two thick slices off of a block of kraft mild cheddar cheese, with a little bit of mayo. it's gooey, tasty, and quick to make. i've been eating them left and right.
"saint's row," is not a bad game i've determined, but a frustrating one.
having to constantly do repetitive side quests to earn enough respect to advance the story mode of the game is irritating. it reminds me much of, "spiderman 2," on xbox, and how after a mere two hours of playing it, i took it back to eb games, and demanded a swap for something of equal value.
xbox live arcade put up a slew of my favorite games to download from the old xbox, with three biggies.
-indigo prophecy.
"indigo prophecy," was the most shocking to see on the list, because it's such a rare gem that no one really got into or wasn't promoted right, but to this day remains in my top five all time favorite games. it's an incredible mind thriller to play through.
"psychonauts," is another rare gem that i actually started to replay recently. so strange.
and now, i must depart for work.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
wu-tang to tha poon-tang.
my updates are becoming more and more sparse it seems.
i decided that playing, "saints row," over a year ago when it came out, for ten minutes, wasn't an efficient amount of time to judge the game, despite at the time i thought it was, and was heard to exclaim, "this game is a piece of shit."
i have since realized i'm addicted to achievement points, and also, giving games the full opportunity it deserves to sink or swim.
so, my friend ginny from work, let me borrow, "saints row," to give it a second shot.
graphics aren't impressive on the game. i can get that out of the way.
being a 360 game, i expected the graphics to be a little more polished, but what can you do?
if, "killzone," is sony's answer to, "halo," then, "saints row," is microsoft's answer to, "grand theft auto."
it's not a bad game. it certainly isn't without it's charm.
i enjoy the oblivion like character construct where you can shape and mold your character to look like you, although they had no glasses function.
the storyline is a bit backwards to me though.
you get recruited to the saints, a gang dedicated to cleaning up the streets and reclaiming the row, and it's assumed your fueled by catholicism, and you're gang hideout is at a church, yet in order to clean up, you utilize violence. killing cops in the game isn't even frowned upon which kinda disturbed me.
the only real beef i find with the game, is like, "spiderman 2," you have to do this useless side missions where you can earn extra scratch, but more important, you gain respect points, and in order to advance the storyline, you have to get respect points.
one of the more favored side missions, is helping out a friendly pimp recruit hoes. the objective bubble actually says, "you must go an recruit hoes from their abusive pimps, and bring them back to live in a well respected, hoe environment." nuff said.
this isn't in theaters yet, but i saw it, and let's just say, if you liked, "donnie darko," then you'll fucking love this film. it's so, fucking... goooooodddddd.....
Sunday, November 25, 2007
there is no, "i," in, "fuck you."
the past four days have been a slow, depressive few.
the first day of my thanksgiving break, wednesday, seemed promising, and then on thanksgiving day itself, it was very fulfilling, eating a great meal at j.j.'s house, following that meal up with beer and cornhole, a new american backyard sport. not sodomy.
and then... i just fell into a slump. i left my room yesterday a total of seven times? and for the bathroom and water fill-ups only.
there's a part of me that's bored, and the other part is just sad and afraid. i have no money. only what's aside for the mortgage, and i think a big part of the depression i feel, stems from how i actually would like to go out and see people, and have drinks and dinner, but... can't afford to. i'm disgusted with myself.
and while i hate, "death proof," whole heartedly, i do love zoe bell...
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
there is no place to hide.
the ladytron remix of nin's, "the beginning of the end," throws out a downward spiral tribute at the end...
this has been a really enjoyable day so far. it's the beginning of bob and mines five day, paid, thanksgiving weekend from work. we've spent the day trying to get higher xbox live scores than one another, off and on, and bob will win with, of all games, "king kong." i'm still striving for the mongoose mowdown achievement on, "halo 3."
i did get the wii zapper with link's crossbow training, thanks to dvd trade-ins... and... i don't like it.
no matter which hand you use, the thing is too compact to be fully appreciated. it's got a weird delay response to your actual movement, and leaves me feeling cheated once again by the new era of nintendo.
the link game's not bad, but all it is, is glorified target practice in different settings and forms.
i will try the zapper on, "resident evil: umbrella chronicles," once i obtain it from byran, but so far, the wii has yet to really impress me.
i really loathed the mario galaxy demo i played.
the 360 just kicks ass. i can't push that system enough. from now until the next, next-gen console, i will continue to celebrate the 360 from a pedestal as high as god's gracious, golden throne.
thanksgiving tomorrow at j boo-boo's. turkey, ham, sweet potato casserole, apple pie, and after dinner, late night games of cornhole, kinda like bean bag tic-tac-toe, and beer. should be a gas.
black friday. i have zero money, but i may tap into my safety savings to get a few things from best buy and circuit city. mainly, "rocky balboa," for four bucks, and, "bust-a-move," on psp for three.
Monday, November 19, 2007
"touching without touching, candles in the dark
casting shadows on our parents battles, this is for the romantics at heart
it wasn't long before i held you more then my pen
when i wasn't writing songs, it was something like,
'Forever and always, whenever those songs play...'"
-sage francis.
i've been in one of those hazy moments, that seems to skip on the stroke of every second in the day... women... a woman. thee woman?...
i was feeling pretty content and felt as though i felt used to being by myself... and now... i'm not sure.
there's of part of me that is apprehensive, and on the same note... pensive...
1. dreamily or wistfully thoughtful: a pensive mood.
2. expressing or revealing thoughtfulness, usually marked by some sadness: a pensive adagio.
yeah... it fits.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
"the night is falling, thank god, i hear the calling of the skeletons under the sun..."
i'm still in love with you.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
i've decreed it that i will now post my xbox live achievements profile at the top of each blog to gloat in my meager, but higher that some, score. booyah!
i forgot to share something a month ago with everyone... this is my new favorite food...
that being said, let's move onto a topic concerning the psp.
i traded my video camera a few years back to my brother for his psp. he never used it, and i never used my video camera, so it made sense to do the swap considering we'd both utilize each other's items far more than our own.
however, my only need for the playstation portable was that of a little game called, "grand theft auto: liberty city stories."
when i got the GTA game, i was more than a little sore with it. not with the story by any means, but the lack of a directional pad to be used as an alternate for driving vehicles.
see, i have this thing about the playstation analog stick, as well as the psp's analog nub... i hate them. unless i'm moving my character physically, i don't want it. especially not to drive with.
the driving in grand theft auto is so linear sometimes, that it's a much smoother ride with the directional pad. easier to control, easier to maneuver.
needless to say, i rid myself of the game and awaited it's port arrival on the playstation 2, which was nothing short of the joy i've come to excpect from the GTA saga.
over the next year or so, the only other game that interested me enough to pick-up was, "splinter cell: essentials."
it's a great game, with decent controls, albeit clunky sometimes, but very fair overall.
after that, the psp laid dormant for a long while.
cue to last night around five-ish...
OH... WOW...
the only real, "silent hill," game i really didn't agree with too much, was the second one, but even that wasn't a complete loss.
but this one... origins... the prequel that takes place right before the first PSone game... it's more than satisfying if you're a hardcore, "silent hill," fan like i am...
not only do you get to see familiar faces from the series, but remember how i mentioned that in a review i read, they said that the company found a way to ghost in the movie plot... it's the little girl from the film.
for a handheld, it's incredible to look at the lush environments, whether in the real world setting, or when you advance through mirrors to the terror side.
my only complaint is the same as the reviews i've read. the combat system is one button mashing. one button being, "X," and it's pretty consistent of just locking onto enemies and hitting them over and over until they fall. that's the game's only real downfall...
other than that, my weekend is set.
Friday, November 09, 2007
handstands in moderation.
i've been wanting to write something for the past week, and every time i try, i get bored almost immediately, and delete what i wrote, and go about my day.
i've been enjoying the fifty to sixty degree mornings we've been having, followed by the nice, breezy seventies afternoon weather.
i'm in the process of playing, "the simpsons game," on the 360. i'm 47% through it, and to be honest, it's really quite a remarkable game at times, and at others, incredibly repetitive.
it's no surprise that my two least favorite characters on the show, marge and lisa, are my two least favorite characters to deal with in the game, and unfortunately, you don't have a choice on whether or not you wish to use them. certain levels come equipped with them.
i'm going to pick up, "silent hill: origins," on psp today. i had it pre-ordered a while back, and i can't wait to plug in my sony headphones, turn out the lights, and play the prequel that ties the entire series together, while ghosting the movie plot in. i've read nothing but stellar reviews for this game, with the only gripe being the combat system, which is nothing surprising, because all silent hill's have had poor combat, but the eerie tone, music, and story are what's been the drive behind me playing the series to no end.
to this day, "silent hill," on playstation one ranks in my top five all-time favorite games, with, "legend of zelda: ocarina of time," never budging from the number one spot...
last nights, "the office," like it's previous six episodes, left me sour in the jawline.
i don't like how this season is being written, which surprises me seeing as how b.j. novak, mindy kaling, and steve carell have all written episodes so far in this season.
i really don't like the direction it's going either. almost as if this season is like, "fuck you, we had a good three season run prior, and now, let's burn this motherfucker to the ground..."
it's friday. no complaints there. if i can make it through the next week and two days, i'll be on a five day sabbatical for thanksgiving in which i'm going over to j-boo boo's house to eat lots of good, homecooked food, and hang with his wife, mom, and kids... and yes, puddin' is going with me dressed as a turkey. pictures to follow...
Friday, November 02, 2007
"i wish i was beautiful..."
i've been really enjoying the, "counting crows," lately. anything by them really is pretty amazing...
so, fox announced it. next year... X-FILES 2! anderson and duchovny have signed on! FUCKING SWEET!
it's friday and tonight, bob and i are going to crack, "gears of war," co-op on hardcore, now that he has his own modem in his room... nice.
i love the weekends.
AND... the weather! it's supposed to be... 57 TOMORROW! FUCKINSWEET!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
"hear your voices sing back louder..."
i began writing a blog this morning when i was drunk on molson gold, listening to the depressive instrumental riffs of, "this will destroy you," and thinking about julie, because, as much as i don't want to be honest on this topic, lately, i can't get her off my mind. the what-ifs and all that. i miss her. and even though for the most part i feel content being alone... i don't.
...then, later in the day, after passing out, i woke up, groggy. i got a bottle of water, and gulped it down, hydrating myself, and proceeded to get my hands on the new, "angels and airwaves." and i cheered up, because, and i'm not sure if it's tom delonge's intention, but, he makes music that just infuses the feeling of hope.
i really didn't care for, "AVA's," first album, "we don't need to whisper," but i really enjoy, "I-Empire." it's incredible, and just reminds me of old 80's movies like, "real genius," with val kilmer... and don't try to figure that statement out, because i can't either. it just has that feeling...
bryan and bridget, if you read this blog still: brokencopy@yahoo.com is my email, i can't find your phone number, and i want to get together. email me.
this productive weekend saw me watch through some episodes of, "scrubs," season four, and... I CARVED A PUMPKIN! target is the best store ever and had big pumpkins on sale for a buck and half... check out my new oh face... i call him dewey...
Friday, October 26, 2007
second life. half-life. no life.
yes, i took a big boy step, and deleted the myspace account! people may ask, "why?"... because i've hated myspace for a long time, and have just been too lazy to get rid of it until recently.
i've been depressed a lot more these days. my work more than anything is what does it for me...
last night, i beat, "half-life 2," the orange box edition, and unlocked most of it's achievements, with the exception of a petty few.
it always feels good to accomplish something.
i began, "half-life 2: episode one," as soon as the credits finished rolling on the regular game, and you know what...? i love episode one.
it picks up, minutes after the ending of two. directly, and you play as freeman. which is odd because i thought this game was a focus on alex, but, whatever... it's awesome.
after watching the newest episode of, "the office," last night, i signed up and downloaded, "second life."
now, i love the concept of a virtual world that is really a virtual world to escape to. i love that they don't consider it a game. however, i need someone to help me get my computer to run it faster.
i can bring it all up, but it's super slow, and i don't know shit about upgrading computers for games, or in this case, my virtual world app... any help?
also, as much as i was hyping it, i have to be honest... I HATE THE NEW COHEED AND CAMBRIA ALBUM! i've never been so disappointed in a band...
Saturday, October 20, 2007
"let your rabbit go run..."
for the past week, i've been out sick from work, which i'm sure i'll catch heat for when i go back on monday.
the doctor told me i have a really bad sinus infection, which explains the massive, week long migraine, raw throat, and the right side nostril that's caked in a bloody-puss like sore.
he gave me amoxicilan, and this nasal spray that feels as though some scientists created a mist version of salt, that you gingerly whiff and immediately cry in pain as the burning sensation ravages the sore inside of your nasal cavity. my head by the way, still hurts. this is the worse migraine, and certainly the longest one i've ever had... my previous record was four days straight. it's the kind of pain where when you sit up, it feels like jackhammers are pressing your brain down really hard, over and over... it's bad.
the only real treat i've had this past week, is yesterday, the new coheed and cambria album i pre-ordered a month ago, came, five days before street date, with the bonus dvd, and t-shirt, and, i was able to have a good fellow pick me up a nice, subway club sub.
i've, as of late, have gotten addicted to subway.
now, true, there are better sub shops around, like jersey mike's, englund's deli, and publix deli, but i have a subway located right in front of my house more or less, and it's cheap, and the double meat club on whole wheat... well that's all right with me...
the best sub i ever had was from a place in milwaukee, wisconsin, that my friend seth introduced me to, called, "jimmie john's."
i've since ate at one in detroit which is equally as good, and one in tallahassee, which is not so good.
being a fat guy, i'm really big on subs... and taco bell. i love me some taco bell.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
"you've got nothing to prove... stay afraid...."
i called off work for the third day in a row. i feel like crap, and will force myself back tomorrow regardless. i have since decided i won't be going to orlando as planned this weekend. which is a bummer, but, my health is priority numero uno.
i got stuck while playing, "portal," and discovered: gamevideos.com, and found a detailed video of the level i'm stuck on and how to get through it, and was really impressed at how far visual, video help guides have come... of course the downside to this is the site told me that i only have three more levels to get through and i'm done with the game, which took some of the fun out of it, but, if you've ever played, "portal," you would've understood why i had to look it up.
i'm also a little bit disenchanted with the achievements system on, "half-life 2," for the simple fact that when i had to go through the ravenholm section, under the achievements list, it said if i made it through ravenholm only using my gravity gun, that i would unlock 25G's. guess what, no it didn't!
still, despite the few minor complaints, i'm happy overall with the orange box still. ... i'm going back to bed.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
the sickies.
so, i took off work yesterday and today... i feel sick. headcold, bad. i know exactly what it's from, and i'm gonna nip this shit in the bud... nyquil, motrin, and orange juice are my only allies now...
and look what i found at the header of yahoo news today...
yeah, blame, "halo 3," and not the shitty idea to remake a bad movie.
Monday, October 15, 2007
this weekend was the first in a good, long while, that i really enjoyed myself, and am sad to see myself go back to work.
normally, by sunday night around six, i'm ready to get back to work because i'm bored, but not this weekend.
it was a good mix of gaming, reading, and "my name is earl," season two.
they re-opened the papa john's that used to be down the road three years ago, finally, and what's more, they re-opened it closer to my house. i now have a papa john's within five minute walking distance. it reminded me of what it was like when the ghostbusters made a comeback...
and that pizza... if i had sit in with jesus at the last supper, it's what i imagined he'd be chomping down on... so good.
also, the coheed and cambria leaked, i listened to it once so i can be prepared for the actual release, but i can tell you from my one through, i don't like the last track. for the ending of the coheed and cambria saga, you'd think they go out on more an epic note like they did with, "the final cut."
aside from that, it has a more metal feel, reminiscent of, "iron maiden."
read through two books this weekend, so i feel smarter now.
i've been playing a healthy dose of, "half-life 2," which i had forgotten how much i loved that game, and, "portal." i know, i know. i retract previous, negative statements about, "portal." it does, pardon the pun, suck you in, after a bit of play.
oh, by the way, check out: how it should have ended dot com.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
the ainbow unoection aye.
it's andy and pam from, "the office," and andy is trying to serenade pam. it's so fucking funny for some reason... i love how at the end, jim, john krasinski, breaks character. it's lights me up with blubbery delight...
Friday, October 12, 2007
i'll devote a tribute week to you, VALVe, when i'm in heaven.
the orange box. three words, across the spine of the 360 case. the orange box. five games, one box. it's almost enough to make a grown man weep. for sixty bucks, you get five, quality games. the orange box... the new, digital bible... because after playing this disc... it becomes clear to me, that only god could have created such a glorious thing...
if you never played the first, "half-life," you're not missing much, but, if you've never played, "half-life 2," then you must have been living under a rock.
i shouldn't have to go into specifics on how good, "half-life 2," is... it just is.
i have yet to play episode one or two, the expansions for, "half-life 2," but have read reviews that were nothing short of spectacular.
i will replay through the game before i venture into the episodes.
"portal," is not a game that interested me when i read about it, and after spending twenty minutes playing it, it's apparent that for me personally, it's just as uninteresting as it was when i read it. a very odd sci-fi puzzle based game. the only cool thing i can say, is mike patton did voiceover work for it. and that's it. although i know a lot of cats who do dig the game...
the fucking motherload of online multiplayer games. i refuse to write a big, gushing review for this game, because i shouldn't have to. the game is phenomenal. all the things you read about it are true. it's that good.
to give a reference point, the only two gripes i have with the game.
1. capture the flag is only playable on one of the six maps, and after a while, the same map gets repetitive.
2. the rapid decline of health... it seems like one mere shot nearly drains you of fifty percent of your health, making you become a craftier player, but still, death can occur more often because of this flaw.
but other than that, the games fucking out there and insane.
overall, for sixty bucks, "the orange box," is easily one of the smarter decisions i've made in videogame purchasing. i think my next will be, "the simpsons game," and while i'm not a fan of the show, that lard lad demo is so genuinely fun, it makes me giggle every time i play through it.
and on a brighter note, the florida lotto tonight is up to $25 million... if i don't win, i plan on getting the hellman's mayonnaise blue ribbon logo tattooed on me, and will see if i can't parlay a spokesperson deal with them... "fat people love mayonnaise, and that mayonnaise is hellman's..."
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
"there's no world for tomorrow, if we wait for today..."
i got this email today from none other than santa...
go figure...
in other news, i have never been so anxious for a record to get released/leaked like i am with:
i have literally downloaded ever bit of samples/leaked live tracks from this album and i am go fucking insane waiting for this album.
i know a lot of people don't really dig, "coheed and cambria," but the whole story, the sci-fi element, the overall concept is what drives me. it's like my version of a new star wars, which might not make much sense to most, but it's the only way i can really describe how i feel towards the whole saga of the band and the concept.
of course i love them... i did get a the keywork tattooed on my leg...
"heroes," impressed the hell out of me last night. i really love the direction they're going with peter.
"weeds," was awesome as always.
also, if you have the chance, and are online with xbox live, download, "the simpsons game," demo. it's hard, but insanely good... "conan," on the other hand really let me down... it's nothing more than a, "god of war," variation with conan.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
"i like my jesus to wear a tuxedo shirt, cause i like to party, and i like my jesus to like to party..."
it's funny how i look forward to the weekends after that first monday at work, and then by sunday, i, for some reason, can't wait to get back to work...
i think it has to do with bordem. i can only watch so many dvds, and play so many videogames. i sleep a lot on sundays come to think of it.
last night, i went to fye, and traded in a bunch of dvd's that i had gotten as gifts from an ex-girlfriend a few years back, and picked up, "fantastic four and the rise of the silver surfer: power cosmic edition." i don't care what is said, i liked this movie. it was good.
i also stopped at walmart and bought some new white t-shirts for work, and ended up liking the way they felt, nice and airy, that i got a few extras and am wearing them exclusively.
also, i am convinced i'm addicted to campbell's chunky roadhouse chili.
my new favorite song is HOME by the, "foo fighters." so much so in fact that i took a photo from the back porch when it was raining, and put the lyrics over it...
also, "my name is earl," season one is so worth the seventeen bucks BJ's is charging.
oh yeah, got another job. i'm back working for tim at the tv center. five days a week, two hours a night, boxing stuff to ship. i haven't started yet, but will soon. don't ask.
Friday, October 05, 2007
"it's time for the curing..."
i never thought in a million years, in the country i live in, which is supposed to be the land of the free mind you, that i would read an article about another human losing their job over their personal blog, let alone their employer being nintendo... nintendo fires employee over blog.
in other news, a few things to dump off at the mouth about.
first... last night's episode of, "the office."
i was more than happy with this episode making up for the bad season premier.
it was a classic, "office," feel intertwined with a new, "office," plot. and what's more, is what they did with creed's character... this...
let's break it down for those who missed it...
basically, dunder mifflen has decided to come into the technological age with a website, and a complete overall for a new age.
upon hearing this, creed figures that him and a few other of the elder people there are screwed, so he dyes his hair, and goes into youth oriented dialog i haven't heard since pauly shore?
best scene:
to ryan:
"hey, whatta we gotta do to get some redbull in this machine? sometimes a dude's gotta ride the bull, am i right on bro, or what?"
off onto, "smallville," season seven, episode two.
...so, kara ala supergirl is the focus... so... alien's just automatically come quipped with fake tits and wonderbras? and what's with those cheekbones? massive... story, weak sauce.
tim burton's trailer for his upcoming, "sweeny todd, the demon barber of fleet street," didn't surprise me in the fact that... i knew it was gonna look like a shitty, faggy, goth movie... how that long haired creep has a cult following is beyond me... sure, i'll give him credit, pee wee's big adventure, and the first two batman's were good, but... that's about as far as i'm willing to go...
the gulf coast regal cinemas this month will be showing flashback movies.
two of those films i have to see are, "the breakfast club," and the most important, "national lampoon's animal house." i'm there.
and now... let the weekend begin. only four more days until the orange box comes out, and then i can rock, "team fortress 2," on the 360!
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
20 years younger, or 20 years uglier...?
i went to the memorial service for the father of a friend of mine. it was pretty massive in the aspect of volume in people. it was almost like a convention. i've never seen so many people in one room for a memorial. it spoke miles of the mans character, and made me wish i would have gotten a chance to know him on a more personal level.
life for me has been pretty... stale?
yesterday, around noon i sat in a hess parking lot in my work truck. i started weeping with regrets as to where i've ended up in my life. as i wept, i turned on the radio, while wiping away the liquid salt, and red hot chili peppers, "soul to squeeze," was playing, and for some reason, things made more sense.
sometimes i feel like this blogging thing is a waste of time. none of this seems interesting to me.
Friday, September 28, 2007
"i'm you... just a little more bizarre..."
the season premiere of, "the office," left me a little jaded.
i knew they weren't going to focus mainly on the jim and pam arc overall, even though they left the last season on a cliffhanger based on their, "date." but still, for as little of it as i saw last night, i felt let down.
and it suprised me even more when the colorfulness of dwight was somehow left dismissed. it was like a dwight schrute on quaalude's. he rarely had any lines, and when he did, it was in reference to the demise of his relationship with angela, and in no way funny.
kevin made me laugh here and there, but overall, the season premiere was a pretty big let down for me on a story level, as well as tipping the scale humor level.
i also get the feeling that with how big steve carrell is becoming as a star, and how the relationship of ryan howard taking over jan's old job, that it's entirely possible that steve's character will get axed, and the show won't be renewed for another season, which, honestly, wouldn't suprise me. the british version lasted two seasons. we're lucky we got to the fourth.
another season premier that kinda let me down was, "smallville."
i love the introduction of, "bizarro," but... to me, the biggest weakness in, "smallville," is the length of time, and improper pacing of story.
they always try to fit way too much into a forty minute set, and it tends to leave you going, "what the fuck? that makes no sense..."
i knew lana wasn't going to die, because, like my assumption, she staged her own death, and chloe, would be too risky of losing an audience to kill her off.
is the well tapped of good ideas? first, the ending of, "the sopranos," and now this...? cheesus...
Thursday, September 27, 2007
boy with a coin.
i'm feeling pretty down. i really have no desire to go to work. i know i say that a lot, but i really don't want to today...
i sometimes wonder how long it'd take for the bank to freeze my assests if i just stopped going to work altogether, and the mortgage wasn't being funded...
came home last night, so tired, and numb, and by numb, i mean, just quietly depressed.
my head hung low for the remainder of the afternoon and evening. although i was lucky enough to just pass out around five something, and not wake up until four this morning.
i got up, fixed a glass of diet coke, chewed on a piece of jerky, and played, "fable," for the next two and half hours...
i can at least look forward to seeing the season premier of, "smallville," and finding out what happens with bizarro from last season, and of course, the introduction to kara, ala supergirl...
and, the main course, the season premier of my favorite show... "the office."
i also should be getting season two of, "upright citizens brigade," in the mail soon... how it slipped by me last week was beyond measures, but when i realized it had been released, i found it used on amazon for fourteen bucks and nabbed it, along with a sweet ebay win... all four penny arcade collections for ten bucks... score.
the 19th of october, i will be traveling to halloween horror nights with mr. jason womack, along with melissa and company... i do look forward to that.
and now... i have to go to work. pray i don't kill myself.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
modern hip-hop and the amateur porn video.
i've been watching a great deal of pornography the past day or so, and believe this or don't, but i didn't jerk off to any of it.
i'm trying to get back to a simpler time when i was younger and part of the excitement building up to climax, was just watching and getting turned on.
when i do have alone time, which is rarely, i can close my eyes, and rub one out within two to three minutes, only to be let down by a lackluster, quick orgasm... i'm trying to train myself to go longer and enjoy it. when i'm with a woman, no problem. it's like a fucking floodgate was bust open...
i'm a fan of amateur porn. mostly, i've been watching these webcam vids, of college girls doing strip teases, nothing more, to modern hip-hop music. i'm not looking for the hip-hop mind you, it just happens that every girl who decides to dance nude in front of her webcam, put on shitty music... naturally i lower the volume and pretend that they're talking really dirty, seeing how i'm turned on by dirty talk, but somewhere along the line, i picture the girl saying:
"oh yeah, you like that... oh yes... i'm so wet... ummm... i have to go doodie..."
...and then... i just start to laugh.
Monday, September 24, 2007
less than ten minutes before work, so...
things about this past weekend/today that kinda sucked:
-richard wasn't available to teach my UFS penny arcade game saturday.
-resident evil: extinction [shoulda been more obvious]
-i have to go to work with a group of people of fucking loathe today.
-miss the, "family guy," star wars hour episode.
things about this past weekend/today that kinda kick a little ass:
-got my comics.
-garth ennis's, "the boys."
-downloaded the, "family guy," star wars hour episode.
-season two of, "heroes," begins tonight, with the season premiere of, "smallville," and, "the office," on thursday.
-took my old xbox into my room and began playing for the fourth time through from scratch, "fable," and fell in love with it all over again.
things about today i want to avoid:
-people i work with.
-getting sore nipples. now, this one needs some explaining...
a few weeks ago, and again last friday, i learned that when you sweat consistently all day while working, the moisture mixed with the rubbing of your shirt, causes most of your body to break out in sores, like raw skin and shit.
well, the past two times, this last friday being the worst, both of my nipples got so raw from the sweat, that they actually bled a little, and i still have little blood scabs on my chest... so... yeah, that sucked.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
"another day, another chance to get it right..."
i took puddin out this morning around four-thirty to let her do her buisness, and ended up walking around, enjoying the cool breeze that seems to be sweeping this past week's mornings.
i've been listening to hearty amount of ben harper and flickerstick lately. it just seems to make sense i guess.
on recommendation, i began, and finished the first season of, "scrubs."
when julie and i were together, i had seen episodes here and there when staying at her place. i never really found them funny. but, now that i started from the beginning, it makes more sense, and it actually is very funny. not, "the office," funny mind you, but funny. and it has a fair amount of dramatic heart.
i got giddy watching zach braff's character and this other girl, elliot, develop a brief relationship, and it made me feel good, and i laughed and... and... i don't know.
i got sentimental by watching a fictional fling on a tv show, and just as soon as the sentimentality came, it was gone.
last night, i thought about all the real relationships i've been in, which, by my reality counter, is one, as i refuse to count jess as real, because i don't think i ever really loved her.
i think out of all the women i dated, the only one i can admit to truly being in love with, is juliann.
in so many ways, i still am in love with her. i don't think that will ever change. i need to admit it to myself somedays, that, i do miss her. but that doesn't mean we were supposed to be together.
and despite these feelings i may have, it took a show like, "scrubs," to make me realize that, no matter how much i like, or enjoy romanticized stuff on tv or in film, in reality, it doesn't make much sense to me, much less mesh with who i am as a person.
i learned last night, that i don't need to rely on someone for the rest of my life. i don't need someone to wake up to, and i don't need to share my experiences throughout life, intimately.
being that guy who is the perfect compliment to who you are as a person, it's just not written in my DNA... and, i'm okay with that.
i still get frustrated when i have the urge to fuck, but that doesn't mean i want to be in a relationship. that'd be incredibly unfair and ludicrous to anyone. and honestly, i haven't been aroused in a while.
i like where i'm at in life. i like being a nerd. i like reading comicbooks, and playing videogames. it's who i am. and maybe it's selfish, but that's the honest truth. i like being alone.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
"how important i could have been, to you..."
my dad turned the big fifty this past thursday. that same day, my roommate and bud, bob, turned thirty. how odd.
i miss my dad. funny old guy. he said he wants me to track down an old nintendo for him with mario and duck hunt... we definitely share genetics.
i found my halloween costume while i was in the cape yesterday.
i was waiting for tom to open up the comic store, so i went across the street to the factory outlet place, and at first, i wanted the fay raye costume with the inflatable kong hand gripping the waist... i thought that'd be funny... then i found out it was a sixty dollar get-up... so, i found something better... it involves a nod to an old harold ramis movie i hold dear to my heart... you'll find out close to the day.
while picking up my comics, i conversed with tom as more people came into the store.
normally, i get my books and bolt. i always feel i'll make fun of too many people if i don't, but something stopped me yesterday.
this elderly lady dropped off her three grandchildren to hang out for the remainder of the afternoon to play magic or whatever they were gonna play. she thanked tom for allowing them to have a social outlet that didn't involve the crap that so many kids get caught up into, in today's time.
i smiled and felt grateful for tom and the comic store. i only wish i had a place like that to go to when i was younger.
as i was getting ready to leave, tom said all the kids in general, that he found an unopened UFS deck, and everyone when apeshit... i made a comment how i didn't get it, and he explained the roleplaying game basis to me, and i then remembered that my penny arcade card game was a universal game based in that game system, and could cross over with any of their existing games...
...however, i never learned how to play, and when i mentioned that, all the kids told me to bring my decks in next week, and within five minutes i would be modestly on my way to dominating nerds that where less worthy than me.
so... next saturday when i go to get my comics, i will sit down with a cherry rain gatorade, and learn how to play this...
finally, the forty bucks i spent on the deck will pay off.
"the brother solomon," was just as unfunny as i expected it to be. i made it through forty minutes before i stopped it.
i had digiorno pizza for the first time last night. it was good. not as good as tombstone, but good.
i got a bag of halloween frosted animal cookies, a copy of the new collector's edition of, "the return of the living dead," and two new bottles of nasal spray... and that, is why i'm an uber loser.
oh shit, also, i got a sweet, "justice league of america," shirt in my size at WALMART OF ALL PLACES! for only eight bucks. i shit a brick when i saw it, and nabbed it. the fucking JLA rules.
this comes out...
october 2... it also features david cross, morgan murphy, eugene mirman, and a slew of my other favorite comedians... facken suhweet!
been a good past few days so far...
Friday, September 14, 2007
echoes, silence, patience and grace.
the new foo fighters is really good. ridiculously good. i'm not sure if it's, "in your honor," good, but it's definitely good.
the past few days have been blurs. i've been working my ass off at work, playing, "halo 2," at every opportunity, and tycho from penny arcade and i talked briefly via xbox live headset, and he confirmed that the penny arcade game, will be released on xbox live arcade which gave me all sorts of good vibes... sometime in december according to 1up.com
i started getting a sore throat this morning which sucks ass.
i have this strong urge, after i pick up my comics tonight, to swing by a game store and buy, "elder scrolls: oblivion, game of the year edition," and just get myself lost for the next few years... i really want to play that game something bad. more than, "halo 3."
two more months and, "mario galaxy," will be on wii which i look forward to as well. any new mario is good.
i feel like this blog is bland. maybe because i don't feel interesting. sorry.
november 27... i look forward to a new futurama movie...
Monday, September 10, 2007
destroying the painting and blowing on halos.
it was my intention to work through it, and then the follow-up in preparation for the third coming the end of this month.
see, i like to think it's because of all the lsd i did from '99 to '02, that i can't retain anything. how a game is from start to finish, what i just read in the current run of JLA, or anything tv related.
if i do something continuously, over and over, no problem, but if it's one time through and a few weeks pass, i forget it completely. which, is why i'm replaying the games from scratch... so as to keep the master chief storyline fresh in my memory for the third.
i worked through the first one like i said, the past four/five days, and finally came to the end. it's a six minute race to escape from the soon to destruct, pillar of autumn...
needless to say, i'm stuck there.
if it's one thing i've loathed throughout the halo games, is that the vehicles, with the exception of the scorpion and banshee, are next to impossible to handle properly. case in point, this last race having to race out with the shitty steered warthog.
i'm confident i can do it, just not this morning. i tried three times, and after eighteen minutes of death, you tend to give up.
but this morning, captivated in the forthcoming of the end, i was briefly transfered back to when i was dating jess, and she lived here with me.
it wasn't a focus on her, but more of how i felt at that time.
i was twenty-five, and the 360 had just come out, and i was hooked on this caffeinated shower soap that think geek makes, and how i looked forward to reading the newest penny arcade's... i think that year was one of my better, despite living with a woman who was... now, in thinking back, cold as ice. i mean, the weather was chilly then, but one could say that she was literally, frosty, in personality.
recently, i discovered a painting she had done for me as a gift. i looked at it for almost an hour trying to figure it out. just randoms blurred strokes. red, blue, black... i came to a conclusion. i hate art in the sense that it's full of soul and personality. i hate someone who paints an obscure mess and says, "this took me forever, and i poured myself into completely, to bare witness to those who convey it..."
...i destroyed that painting she gave to me. i took it out back, and whaled it against an avocado tree, picked it up, and just began tearing the canvas apart with my hands. when i was done, i crumpled it all up, and threw it in a garbage can.
i need a glass of orange juice.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
"you can hug it out, bitch..." -michael scott.
and guess what... these new chapters won't be downloadable on xbox live... only pc, so... thanks cliffy b for fucking the fans that put your game on the map... douchebag.
"Hatchet is a 2007 slasher film from Ariescope Pictures [1]. Set in the Louisiana bayou, it is the story of the legend of Victor Crowley. A group of tourists discover that the legend is real and more horrifying than they ever imagined. It features an all-star horror cast that includes Kane Hodder (Friday the 13th), Robert Englund (A Nightmare on Elm Street), Tony Todd (Candyman), Mercedes McNab (Buffy The Vampire Slayer) and Joshua Leonard (The Blair Witch Project). Hatchet is billed as "a throwback to the glory days of horror that literally saws the face off the 'slasher film' as you know it."
above taken from wikipedia, because i'm too tired to write my own version.
i had found out about, "hatchet," through one of the many negative reviews i had read for rob zombie's, "halloween."
it had come up as a reference point of comparison as to how zombie could get a horrible film like his, "halloween," made, while adam green created this indi-budgeted film called, "hatchet," that is a nod to the glory days of the slasher genre.
i sought the film out because it seemed to be talked about by many people as being a truly, original horror flick.
i found the film, downloaded it, ripped it to stream to my 360, and watched one of the coolest, bloodiest films i had seen in a long while, reminding me how much i respect underground horror films that generally go straight to dvd.
i'm not going to talk about the plot, or the well known people who are in the flick... just, it's good to see an original horror film that made me the feel the way i felt when i saw peter jackson's, "dead alive," for the first time... captivated and in awe of something amazing.
visually it's stunning. well shot, digital... and to open the film with marilyn manson's, "this is the new shit,"... i never thought i'd say this, but what a perfect fit for a fucking film opening.
you need to search this flick out and marvel in it...
Thursday, September 06, 2007
"God reached his hand down from the sky, he flooded the land then he set it on fire..."
started playing halo from ground zero and up to two in preparation for 3. the only problems with game sequels is the same for monthly comic books... i can't retain the previous story in my mind... probably from all the lsd i did from '99 to '02...
"the office," season 3 dvd is good. not great, but good. the blooper reel was a let down, but over 3 hours of deleted scenes that are pure gold, was definitely a nice touch. and the commentaries. i'm still not through it all the way.
i did get a copy of the new, "HIM," album, "venus doom," which is better than the last album, "dark light," but no where near as good as their earlier works.
it seems to me that all the bands i love that were once great in my mind's eye... well, their new music just doesn't do anything for me. is music dead?
i love the song, "here's your future," by the thermals.
okay... i'm... going to try and fall back asleep for at least an hour.
Monday, September 03, 2007
premonitions and chinese food.
the one thing the movie did for me was give me this massive craving for chinese food. how is it, that we have 24 mcdonald's, taco bell and wendy's that are open till 3 a.m., but no late night/all night and day chinese take out?
i eat from only one place when it comes to chinese... "chinese kitchen," on metro pkwy and winkler. it's hands down the best and freshest chinese i've ever had. and i eat only two different meals there depending on my mood. honey chicken, or sesame chicken lunch combos... i'm telling you, i refuse to eat chinese any place else but there.
so, after figuring the bills out, i have to settle for the regular version of, "the office," season three. which is okay, but i'm so broke, i can't get season two of, "robot chicken." bummed.
the next 360 game i'm looking forward to the most isn't that far off...
search out the trailer on on gametrailers.com... it looks so good. bob and i both decree it. we want to play it.
bob's getting, "halo 3," which is cool, because i don't think i'll pick it up until it becomes dirt cheap, and until i beat the second game to get in sync with continuity. besides, i really want to play on live more than anything with it.
today is labor day. i'm gonna go to the hospital and see if i can watch women give labor?
Saturday, September 01, 2007
follow roland into the darkness as he looks for his mojo.
currently listening to:
i beat, "the darkness," last night. that's two 360 games in two weeks. on a roll.
since i beat it, i started downloading every mike patton album i could find... for those who don't know, mike patton does the voice of the darkness with no special audio editing mind you, that's all him... he's gotten the most broad vocal range of anyone working in that industry today, and is also one of the biggest musical geniuses in modern american music to date. the dude can do anything... if you've never heard, "faith no more," "tomahawk," "mr. bungel," "peeping tom," etc... you've been under a rock. the dude is fucking brilliant... and insane.
he did a portion of music on the darkness soundtrack, which is one simple amazing faction to the game itself... i think i like the game more than i liked, "bioshock."
it was flawless. visually stunning. appealing to fans of marc silvestri's comic. controls were solid... it was great.
my only gripe. too short. like many of the 360 games i've played. way too short.
my next 360 title to be conquered will be, "stranglehold." i've decreed it. but i can't get that until next payday. i will begin re-playing, "the warriors," to hold me over.
best buy is offereing a special office box, boxset of, "the office," season three for ten bucks more than the regular. it comes with a dwight bobblehead and a dundie award... guess which one i'm going for? yeah...
got some comics yesterday. began reading the full seven issue run of the dark tower prequel, "the gunslinger born." so good...
wrong turn 2. i got it. it has a patton oswalt voiceover, and henry rollins is in it... is it as enjoyable as the first... no.
balls of fury... haven't seen it yet.
the rob zombie, "halloween," ordeal. okay.
i got a workprint of the film this past monday. a full week in advance.
the first fifty minutes, and it's exact, i clocked it, are incredibly well done. the backstory of young michael is intriguing and well played out. my only complaint with any of the beginning is william forsythe as the asshole boyfriend of michael's mother.
i love william as an actor, hell, he made, "the devil's rejects," for me and my money, but in this film, he just doesn't work. it feels too overacted and doesn't compliment the amazing job that sherri moon zombie actually did to a character that is to be taken serious.
she stepped up with an A game performance as a struggling mother doing what she has to do to make ends meet.
the film falls immediatley as soon as michael goes back to haddonfield. the teens are annoying and horribly acted out, with the exception of getting to see danielle harris' tits.
i don't like how malcolm mcdowell plays sam loomis as a guy who capitalized on his time with michael by writing a best selling novel.
and i didn't like the pointless end of killing, and then michael realizing it's wrong dropping his knife, only to be blasted away by the cops with loomis blubbering like a baby. it was awful.
the film on a whole towards the end was poorly written, shot, and executed by the actors involved.
i'm told the theatrical verison has a different ending, which i'm not sure what it is, but i can tell you this... i believe in zombie as a filmmaker. i do. i loved, "house of 1,000 corpses," and gushed over, "devil's rejects." i just think this wasn't something he should've tried to do.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Sunday, August 26, 2007
the funk of corpses in the air.
took took four and a half days to beat. great game. i got the happy ending. time to replay to get the other two endings and attempt to unlock the shit i didn't get before.
got an amazingly great copy of, "superbad," which if i haven't stated, is easily the funniest film i've seen in a long while. i don't think there was a moment i didn't laugh. it was written so perfectly, and it just meshed and blended with my entire sense of humor, and it had the heart at the end that it needed to propel itself from being just another R rated comedy.
i think it's a safe assumption to make in saying that the one movie i've been looking forward to seeing for the past year is finally coming to fruition this friday. rob zombie's, "halloween."
in gearing up for the event, i download the soundtrack which isn't nearly as good as his, "devil's rejects," soundtrack, but good none the less. i'm not big on adding dialogue from the film to a soundtrack cd, but, to each his own. i just feel it adds a false pretense to the film's outline.
i also bought, "halloween," the original carpenter classic on dvd, as well as the two disc documentary, "halloween: 25 years of terror." they both came with a free ticket to see the new zombie flick.
i'm so engulfed in zombie's vision, i've been downloading supposed, "drafts," of the script, which are all obviously different, though unique, in attempt to get a better understanding of what he wants to achieve in the film.
i like the idea that he wants to give michael an identity. a backstory. why he is the way he is, why he wears, "the mask," and so on and so forth, whereas john carpenter's vision was more meant to be more simple in that, you put a man in a mask who doesn't speak, just moves, and kills. a force, as carpenter called it, of just mass destruction with no reason behind it. meaning it's more terrifying to not know anything about a man who seems to kill with no intent or emotion. and he was right... in 1978.
i'm just stoked to see another zombie film. i like the guy as a filmmaker. he's good at it. sue me.
and now... re-watch, "the office," season two... only another week to get through for season three's release. spank yo momma...
oh yeah, one more thing. a treat for you's all... can you guess which young mullet wearer in this fred savage classic, "the wizard," went onto play everyone's favorite webslinger?
Friday, August 24, 2007
"that's the big daddy... he protects the little sister..."
is unfuckinbelievablyfuckinridiculously AMAZING!
there have been a handful of 360 games that have come out that have really held my attention, to the point of not really sleeping during my regular sleep hours during the work week, just so i could play said game/games.
BIOSHOCK is definetly one of the many.
let's put a head on the list of 360 titles to really get me going:
-condemned: criminal origins.
-peter jackson's king kong [the first game based on a film that was better than the film.]
-gears of war.
-the darkness.
i'm sure there are others, but i've been up since three in the morning with it being six eighteen now, and i'm heading into an eight and a half hour work day that will directly be followed by a shower, cold bottle of beer, and the next however many hours i pump into playing this game.
i'll go into more specifics at a later date.
also, there may be a dust and snow bi-weekly comic coming, written by myself, and illustrated by my friend chris, ala wrathofconn.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
"this is a glimpse into what your life could be..."
i did cave in and spend twenty bucks on, "the aqua teen hunger force colon movie."
i didn't care for it much when i saw it in theaters, and in some aspects, still don't, but it comes with a bonus disc with an 80 minute deleted movie, that essentially is another cut of the flick, and is much funnier. carl is funnier. as well as shake.
the following image, is a shot i took with the digital cam, of my tv, to show you the new game i love on xbox live arcade... 3d Ultra Mini-Golf rules...
in three and a half hours, i'll be at amc watching, "superbad." that's how i'm spending my sunday morning. watching a vulgar comedy. i'm pretty sure jesus is cool with it.
i think i've made the decision to never go to church again, unless it's for something for a friend or family member. and it's not because i've lost my faith... i just don't see the point anymore. i get annoyed with church. i hate standing in the morning for fifteen minutes listening to people sing music that i really don't enjoy, and then sitting for the next hour to an hour and a half listening to someone, boringly talk scriptures and find a way to incorporate them into current events. i've read the bible. i have belief and faith in my heart. enough said.
going to church is like going to a sexual harrasment meeting at work. you know what to expect, you know what's coming, you know right from wrong, but still, you're insisted on going to somehow clarify that you're not a complete fuckhead. whatever...
cee-lo from gnarls barkley/musical genius has a new side project coming out called, "heart attack." i'm always last to hear about cool shit like this, but i did get a four track sampler of what heart attack sounds like, and it's really good, seventies-like soul music. i look forward to hearing the full album.
Friday, August 17, 2007
going back to rehab.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
ice monster and chainsaw granados...
my right testicle is still sore. not as bad mind you as the day i entered the e.r., but it's, and i know this sounds funny, but the only word i can find, is, tender. it really feels like some alien hybrid is in my body... i half excpect gillian anderson and david duchovny to waltz in and tell me i'm proof of the alien testicular conspiracy... speaking of, word from both of them is a script is written, and x-files 2 starts filming in november... supposedly a veer from the alien conspiracy, this is gonna be a straight-forward horror flick. nice.
since i've been doped up and whatnot, i began listening to more music, and playing old games.
resident evil 4. gamecube.
i've beat the game four times straight through, and to this day in lingers in the top 5 greatest games i've ever played. however, i have not been playing the story mode, but rather, working my way through, "the mercanaries."
i've unlocked all characters on a four star rating with the exception of one...
every time i go to complete the fourth map that will unlock him, this douchebag always get's me with a head lop-off...
the chainsaw granado is the hardest fucker in the game for me. he moves so fast it's unreal.
minus the bear, one of my favorite bands, put this album out this year...
i recommend not only getting it, but seeking out the four track e.p. bonus album that came with certain prints. it's just as good as their first LP, "highly refined pirates," way better than their last LP, "menos el oso," and as good as the remix album released for, "menos el oso."
minus the bear is just an amazing melodic rock/indie band.
i'm waiting on two downloads. "smokin' aces," and, "lollilove." i look forward to watching those movies.
also, black, seedless grapes from sweetbay are amazingly delicious, and, i had forgotten how much i loved cauliflower. i'm on this fruit and veggie kick. the testy thing kinda scared me into eating healthier...
Thursday, August 09, 2007
so, my day will be spent sitting, legs open, on the couch, playing, "double agent."
i did however, want to comment on a demo i got off xbox live.
john woo's, "stranglehold," starring, in pixel form, chow yun fat.
i had no desire from the time i read about this game in, "game informer," until this morning, to really play this game. it just didn't seem my cup of tea... however, i do enjoy free demos, and decided, why not.
what i got, was unexpected.
the graphics are nothing special considering the console, but the controls and story alone are incredible. the controls more so than the story. and that's an oddity for me to exclaim seeing as how i'm a whore for story, but the barrage of neat things you can do with your character aptly named, "inspector tequila," yes, it's a sequel to woo's '92 film, "hard boiled," is just amazing.
you have a bullet time sort of thing, but you can slide down rail posts and go into your bullet time, and then at the same time, jump and dive while firing round after round into hong kong baddies, and then right as you come to the bottom of the railing, land on a four wheel watermelon cart, and go sliding around on your belly while on the cart, blasting enemies. it's fucking sweet.
you can jump backwards, land on your back, and just stay on the ground rolling around blasting fuckers in the balls or the head.
and my personal favorite, this thing called stand-off, where when you get surrounded by four or more guys, you go into this first person, slow motion perspective, popping off rounds, while matrix like dodging theirs.
you can enter this bomb mode, and signal in on a certain area of their body, i like the headshots, fire a round, and watch it from the bullets perspective as it marks a nice hole where it lands, pouring blood out everywhere.
this is the first demo i ever played all the way through. i seriously couldn't find myself able to put the controller down.
a rare gem thought to be shit, will be owned by me the end of this month. next week i get, "bioshock," and i'm definetly trading in some stuff for, "stranglehold."
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
casanova douchenstein and the immeasurable, persistent dream.
-kidney stone.
-some weird thing where the testicle actually twists around and gets infected resulting in emergency surgery to remove said testicle, this was the one they were most concerned about... how's it's not worse than the one below is beyond me...
or... the worst, testicular cancer.
in the end, it was epididymitis that had poisoned my body. an early stage to a nasty infection located inbetween my sperm duct and urinary tract.
to end this swiftly, i'm gonna be okay, knock on wood, as long as the antibiotics are of use. i was put on an antibiotic and a heavy dosage of percocet that is so high, i get nauseous.
today i fell asleep while watching the x-files and had a dream that has been recurring the past two weeks, and it essentially involves hanging out with nicholas cage, running my own comedy club, and somehow at the end of the dream, every time, there's a scenario where i'm trying to be with my ex again. it's always at her son's birthday party, and i'm not sure why i continue to dream this is some form or another.
it's funny how when you're awake, you're so sure of your views, choices, and perspectives, yet when we fall into slumber, we see this other side that confuses us when we wake.
the following movies i recently saw that i enjoyed:
-hannibal rising.
-doctor strange. [animated]
-the invincible iron man. [animated]
-hot rod. [i know... i can believe it either, but it made me laugh... and i hate andy samberg.]
the new iron & wine e.p. is really good...
The kettle burned cause I left it too long
and we were kissing with the radio on
the cat was choking on a rattle snake bone
the town had gathered round the soldier boy carried home
carried home...
The sick kids ate up all the red clay
and every summer there was imminent rain
the late judge teetered in a john boat
the town had gathered round the soldier boy carried home
carried home...
The broken window and the pretty blue sky
and cold water for my swollen black eye
we shook some money from your mother's old clothes
when all had gathered round the soldier boy carried home
carried home...
Sunday, August 05, 2007
missing home.
i was born at dickenson county memorial hospital on april 2, 1980. that's located in iron mountain, michigan, which directly connects with or through: quinnesec, norway, and kingsford, MI., as well as aurora, and niagara, WI.
i lived in kingsford for the better part of my youth before moving to florida.
i also lived in crystal falls, MI., which is on the outskirts of where i was born, in the middle of the forest more or less. regardless of where it all was, it was all a part of the U.P... the upper peninsula.
the people that live in the upper peninsula have become more commonly known as, "yoopers," thanks to a local traveling comedy/music group properly titled, "da yoopers."
a yooper to me is a combination of a canadian, a little hillbilly, and a good chunk of frozen brain matter. because anyone who lives up in that weather will tell you, to live in that cold, you'd have to be brain dead. but oddly enough, the love i have for the cold is one thing florida cannot take from me.
even though my definition of a yooper is my own, there are others who have dedicated their lives to digging into the historical values of a yooper which you can read more about at the link i put at the bottom of this post.
yoopers have a distinct accent. it's sorta canadian fused with a north dakota/minnesota accent... like, "heya, oh yah, donchaknow..." my mom has the queen of yooper accents, and both of my uncle gary's tower with thick yooper men accents. my cousins as well. i have one that only comes out when i'm visiting up there... my voice deepens and pronounces everything at a yooper decibel.
the upper peninsula truly is a world of it's own that if you haven't experienced in it's essence on your own with your own eyes, ears, and nose, then you will never understand what i mean.
for me, growing up their as a kid, the closest, and i mean, the closest, not gospel mind you, but closest thing i can compare it to in terms to being a kid, is the movie, "a christmas story."
the schools, the snow, the kids, the awful snow suits we were forced to wear to school on winter days... that shits all true.
i haven't seen it, but my mom tells me jeff daniels movie, "escanaba in da moon light," is a good interpretation of life in the U.P.
i began writing this with the nostalgic notion of my life there, and how even though i'm grateful i'm somewhere outside of the U.P., that deep inside, there's a part of me that misses it dearly. part of me wants to move back and live there among old friends that never left, and family that's just as nutty as i've grown to be...
i miss things like this so very much...
if you really want to find out more about who i was born to and where i really come from, go here... and no, this is no joke... this is how people from the upper peninsula are... trust me, i'm related to them...
da yoopers dat com
Thursday, August 02, 2007
GTA IV Delayed Until Spring 2008
Rockstar says it needs more time to finish the game.
By Sam Kennedy, 08/02/2007
This just in... Take-Two has announced that Grand Theft Auto IV is being delayed until Spring of 2008 due to "additional development time required to complete the title." We'll have more on this story shortly, but here are a bit of the explanations that came with today's announcement:
"With Grand Theft Auto IV, Rockstar is setting a new standard for next generation video games," stated Strauss Zelnick, Chairman of Take-Two. "Certain elements of development proved to be more time-intensive than expected, especially given the commitment for a simultaneous release on two very different platforms. We all recognize that perfecting the game is vital and I can assure everyone it will be worth the wait. We owe it to the game's millions of fans, to our dedicated development team, and to our shareholders to make sure that Grand Theft Auto IV is a groundbreaking gaming experience that takes maximum advantage of next generation technology."
"The new consoles are allowing us to create the Grand Theft Auto game we always dreamed about," added Sam Houser, Founder and Executive Producer of Rockstar Games. "Every aspect of the game and its design has been completely transformed. The game is huge and is pushing the hardware platforms to their absolute limits. The top engineers from Sony and Microsoft are working closely with the team in Edinburgh right now, helping us to fully leverage the power of both platforms. As always, our goal is to surpass even the wildest expectations of the game's fans, and to create the ultimate high definition video game experience."
Stay tuned for more on this story as we get it.
well fuck me... should i bother taking a vacation now? i don't think so... i had plan to utilize that week at the end of october, beginning of november to immerse in gta goodness of bloodshed and prostitution, and now... no... first manhunt 2, and now this... at least i got bioshock this month... i hope...
and now... the trailer for the aqua teen hunger force game coming to ps2...
Monday, July 30, 2007
the last of the vicodin and diet coke. currently listening to:
the new e.p., enchanted hill, by, "the album leaf," is incredibly beautiful and soothing...
despite not enjoying the film, and hating krispi creme donuts, i must say, the new, "springfield sprinkalicious," donut, made to promote the simpsons movie at 7-11's nationwide... well, is just really damn delicious. so much so, that i bought an entire box of them.
and on a side note, i just want to say, in regards to the rash of local scene kids here in ft. myers who seem to have jumped on this whole, "hardcore," music bandwagon... i just have to come out and say, hardcore, or punk, or whatever you call it these days, is about as gay as you can get without actually putting a cock in your mouth and slurping jizz... i fucking hate hardcore and i hate the local hardcore bands in florida even more.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
another sunday morning.
...aside from spiderpig/harry plogger bit, the death of green day that included mike dirnt's classic line, "guys... it's been an honor rocking with you," and homer flipping off the town as he slowly sunk in the sinkhole, the movie, like i predicted, was a failure to me.
i stopped liking simpsons after season three. it just lost it's charm. i've tried watching newer episodes to give it a more fair shot, and it's just not funny to me.
"zodiac," was a pretty good flick. i like how fincher covered the killings from the beginning in '68 right up until '91. people said it was this and the length that didn't cream up for them, but i say, the story, for me, was solid enough to keep me motivated from scene to scene. so much in fact, that i think i want to own the movie.
"hot fuzz," comes out tuesday. looking forward to that.
i'm miserable.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
"is someone taking your faith, it's real, the pain you feel, the life, the love, you die to heal, the hope that stops the broken heart."
sad and lonely thinking of that damn english girl that just lives in my mind on a lukewarm, april 14th evening, off a moonlit beach, falling further into the power of her all encompassing beauty...
that's why i'm listening to...
...sadness deserves unhealthy, melodic, acoustic music.
the three minute trailer for, "resident evil 5," on 360/ps3 follows... that's the only thing positive i'll post here...
Apollo I : The Writing Writer.
yesterday, my mother turned 49. i called her and wished her a happy birthday. the schmuck of a son i am, can't afford to get her what a gift until this coming tuesday on payday. i feel bad for not having it there on her day.
i've watched a lot of movies this past week and half. i still have, "zodiac," and "the number 23," waiting to be watched, but, i'll get to those another time...
i'll give brief caps on the films i did see, and move on. not all will have the fun, accompanying pictures i normally would put with them.
i only saw this out of sheer boredom, and was actually very ammused with it. it's not a bad way to kill 80 minutes, and brian posehn as the wiseass brother was pretty good.
this is easily the funniest sandler flick i've seen since, "the wedding singer." it really is. i was gasping for breathe on several parts, and it's not just one character that hysterical, it's all of them in their own right. the movie is well written with just the right sight gags at just the right moment, and it's pro-gay, so you know my pudgy butt's on board.
i know a lot of people that truly disliked, "28 days later." the number one complaint being, "it's not a zombie flick like i expected."
what's funny to me is i never got that from any trailer shown for the film. it looked like a disease outbreak film. nothing more.
all the same, i liked, "28 days later," but not enough to own it.
now... "28 weeks later," well... that's another story, which i won't go into, but instead leave you with this. visually, it's remarkable. story, so fucking good beyond recognition. the acting, spectacular. the right people cast. and the soundtrack, brilliant.
i'm almost half tempted to own the first one just so i can own this one comfortably.
i bought the two disc, 20th anniversary dvd. it's just as fun, and cheesy as i remember it. one of the best, "goonie," type of films, to come from my childhood is finally given the remastered rewards on dvd. go buy it! it rules!
and the two dvd's i'm looking forward to getting...
obviously... and...
i'm so pumped to re-watch season three, but more than that, the deleted scenes and the half hour gag reel, which was the best feature on season two.
i love, "the office," so very much. both versions, but the US version has this relateable quality that falls on deaf ears for me with the BBC version.
i saw the first three episodes of, "weeds," season three. they're brilliant with a nice use of music from, "the thermals."
i saw the un-aired pilot for, "terminator: the sarah conner chronicles." it's a fifty minute long episode and i got eight minutes into it before i stopped it. it's so bad. so very bad. it picks up two years after T2, and... it's just bad.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
the deathly hallows and the shallow sewers...
now, i'm no aficiando on potter. i buy the books when they become cheap paperbacks, and i watch the movies but i'm not madly obsessed over them.
do i think they're good reads or viewings? absolutely. if you like fantasy along the lines of labyrinth and dark crystal, then why not this? it's a fantasy story.
do i think religious groups and strict parents like my cousin who think it promotes witchcraft go a little to far with the protesting? yep... the way i see it, if you teach your kid right from wrong, and are there for them, to explain the difference between what is real and what is not, then it'll be okay... at least the kids are learning to read and not out doing drugs or robbing blue haired old rags.
i'm not worried if i read spoilers from the book on the net. i already know dumbledore died at the hand of snape in the last book, and i have yet to read it.
i downloaded the dvd screener last night for...
wow. how did i not see this film in the theater? i mean it. seriously. what an amazing film.
there's not question in my mind that i will buy the dvd next month when it comes out. it's that good.
story wise, it picks up a few years after the first live action film that jim henson's company helped make. it's just as gritty, and intense, and funny, and everything i remembered loving about the ninja turtles as a kid.
every time i hear they're updating something from my childhood, a little part of me groans angrily, and i vow never to get involved with the projects, and i was prepared not to with this, but something in me told me to just download it and watch it, and man i'm glad i did.
the scene where leo is standing next to the jet on the plane with that moody, metal riffing background music... i swear, fucking hairs on my neck stood up with that old giddy feeling of being a kid... just like when my dad and i hopped on his motorbike and he took me to our old two-plex to see the first live action film...
they leave it open for a sequel and honestly, if kevin munroe writes and directs the next one like he did with this... i'm fucking down. especially since they referenced shredder possibly making a return from the grave...
you know who i miss these days...?
gone too soon...
okay, well, i also downloaded the last two episodes of ghost hunters, as well as the dvd screener for, "disturbia," which i did see in the theater and love... so... i gotta go watch those...
Thursday, July 19, 2007
kids in the hall.
i've been listening to this instrumental group, "this will destroy you," lately... fantastic music to take painkillers to.
i go back to the neurologist today. tell him the steroids didn't work too well. i was to go into work and leave early, but this morning i woke up to myself violently coughing, and before i knew it, i was vomiting blood and bile... so, i called off. i'm a bit unsettled by the whole affair...
i actually hate being home right now because i'm incredibly bored. i'm surrounded by movies, games, and books, but none of them due me what i need...
as a treat for you all, i found one of my favorite bits from KITH... dave foley doing what he does best...
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
today's blog...
now, anyone who knows me, knows how much of a homo i am for framing posters of comedians i adore, and when i saw a guy selling promo flats for said album on ebay for twenty bucks... i almost caved. i did.
but... being the sensible man that i am, i simply called subpop's offices out west, told them my situation, the dire fan, i pre-ordered the album through them and was happy with it, i worked at a record store that closed, blah blah blah... you know what they said?... "what's your address?"
today, i got a package from subpop... this is what was in it...
yep... posters, stickers, and buttons. BAM! who rules nerdcore!? me baby... me...
Saturday, July 14, 2007
don't make him angry...
...you won't like him, when he's angry...
for instance, this weekend, meant i got paid. my raise went through and it's a nice little chunk of change more, and i finally began to make a dent in the debt's i owe. a little more to go and i'll be caught up.
got groceries, including real bagels, and not those lenders pieces of shit, with cream cheese, got my comics, and all that's left is a new shower curtain, and a haircut.
shanna checked out, "superman returns," on xbox 360 for me, and i gotta say, despite having a bad demo i played a while back, the game itself, is really rather good. like, i've been playing it all morning kinda good.
also on xbox live, they're offering the first austin powers film for free as a download, so i'm gonna go back a few years and see that film again... i think the last time i watched it was when it first came into theaters, so maybe it'll rekindle some laughs.
the new potter film was all shades of fucking excellent. i know a lot of people who want to trash on the harry potter franchise, and believe me, when they first got big, i was there with you trashing along, but then... i read the book and watched the movie, and they're both pretty damn good as far as a story goes.
the new film was gloriously dark, and took the place of my favorite film in the series, knocking out, "goblet of fire," for first place. david yates did a great job at the helm of this tale, and so did this little sexpot...
still... i wanted neville to just flat out gut the bitch, but, whatever.
two other things i need to mention. two things that i desperatley wanted to hate but somehow don't.
if you take away michael bay, and the whole concept that what you're watching what is "supposed," to be a movie based on the transformers, it's not a bad action film.
if you a hardcore fan, i can see you hating it, but fanbase aside, it's a visual splendor.
i was never a big fan of transformers growing up so i had no desire to see the flick, but found it had gotten pirated online, and checked it out and to my astonishment, was overall impressed, although incredibly irritated with the hokeyness of the acting and quips. but, what can you do. i still hate michael bay.
the second...
i wanted so much to hate this album based on the past two solo efforts of corgan alone, "zwan," and his solo effort, "the future embrace," and the fact that he was calling this new incarnation of him and chamberlin, "the smashing pumpkins," when he's missing two other core members.
i went into listening this album with the idea i was gonna detest and loathe it. and honestly, that's not the case. not by a long shot.
it's not, "gish," "siamese dream," "melon collie and the infinite sadness," "pisces acariot," or, "adore," which i personally love all very dearly, but it stands it's ground as a good rock album.
it seems half personally written, and half politically driven. who knows... but it is worth an honest listen... i never thought i'd say that about another billy corgan record... proven wrong once again.
have i said how much i really love the real bagels you get at a bagel store? possibly the best thing next to sliced bread... toast it up, slather on some cream cheese and i'm in fatty heaven...