Wednesday, January 09, 2008

so, i broke the news on livejournal, for those of you who read this, and i doubt there are many because i never hear otherwise in the comments section, i, douglas burke, am moving to wisconsin just as soon as my house here sells.

i'm pretty scared in the sense of having to take the time to pack everything and get the house sold, but the outcome outweighs that fear for the most part.

but, i have good reasons for moving. family, and let's face it, everything tastes better up north.

it will be good to only be an hour or two driving distance from caddy dan. i miss that guy.

the prospect of having an apartment is exciting too. it'll be a first for me. up until now, i've only ever lived with my folks, and in this house i bought.

i can't wait to get back to green bay more than anything. the comicbook stores and used game/dvd places... it'll be nice to get to a familiar place once held in high regard of my childhood.

the beer's better up north too. :)


"dead rising."

this fucking game. a 360 game.

when it first came out, i was overjoyed to play a next-gen zombie game. capcom made it. and what else did they make??? resident. fucking. evil.

so, of course, i was optimistic. what i remember however, was hating the game.

that was almost a year and a half ago. i opted for a second chance, since i've honed into my gamer skills a little better. how did it fare up.

great actually. the only problem... a shitty save system. and because the save system is so shitty, the two and a half hours i played straight through, and the five storyline cases i completed... were lost when i inadvertently died. all that progress, lost. start from scratch.

i've never screamed to the point where i saw my own saliva spit onto the screen, to reflect anger displayed in high def.

and to top it all off... i report for jury duty tomorrow morning.

1 comment:

DBSB said...

That game could have made history if it were'nt for all the little things wrong with it.

other forms of fun.

why not buy one of the many items i need, and give it to me for being awesome?...

My Wish List

i'm live too... what's your gaming skills like?