Saturday, February 09, 2008

the bass and the blindness of men.

i am coming to you from the library. it's the only source i have to the internet, and since i've been coming once a week, i have re-found the love i had for it so long ago.

being without the internet has also left me without the time consumption of the 360, so i began playing older games i never beat on the old xbox, ps2, and n64... it's been fun.

"manhunt 2," i did finally get, and while i don't think it's as bad as the reviews have chortled on about, i don't think it's nearly as good a story as the first. the controls also suffer severly as well as the camera angles.

i began watching the extended, "lord of the rings," trilogy again, finding myself getting choked up as gandolf sacrifices himself to the balrog/balrok???

i'm already bored. it's amazing how use to not having the internet becomes. kinda like when i dropped the cellphone. the only thing i wish i could do is watch the new episodes of, "lost," but the library computers don't have the streaming software.

other than that, not much else. i've been pretty withdrawn and look forward to living alone again.

work has been hectic this past week. i worked overtime the last three days very late into the evening.

i tried to read sean astin's autobiography, "there and back again: an actor's tale," but he's so pompous and arrogant, i could only make it into thirty pages before i brought it back.

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other forms of fun.

why not buy one of the many items i need, and give it to me for being awesome?...

My Wish List

i'm live too... what's your gaming skills like?