Saturday, October 20, 2007

"let your rabbit go run..."

for the past week, i've been out sick from work, which i'm sure i'll catch heat for when i go back on monday.

the doctor told me i have a really bad sinus infection, which explains the massive, week long migraine, raw throat, and the right side nostril that's caked in a bloody-puss like sore.

he gave me amoxicilan, and this nasal spray that feels as though some scientists created a mist version of salt, that you gingerly whiff and immediately cry in pain as the burning sensation ravages the sore inside of your nasal cavity. my head by the way, still hurts. this is the worse migraine, and certainly the longest one i've ever had... my previous record was four days straight. it's the kind of pain where when you sit up, it feels like jackhammers are pressing your brain down really hard, over and over... it's bad.

the only real treat i've had this past week, is yesterday, the new coheed and cambria album i pre-ordered a month ago, came, five days before street date, with the bonus dvd, and t-shirt, and, i was able to have a good fellow pick me up a nice, subway club sub.

i've, as of late, have gotten addicted to subway.

now, true, there are better sub shops around, like jersey mike's, englund's deli, and publix deli, but i have a subway located right in front of my house more or less, and it's cheap, and the double meat club on whole wheat... well that's all right with me...

the best sub i ever had was from a place in milwaukee, wisconsin, that my friend seth introduced me to, called, "jimmie john's."

i've since ate at one in detroit which is equally as good, and one in tallahassee, which is not so good.

being a fat guy, i'm really big on subs... and taco bell. i love me some taco bell.

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